Chapter 2

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"You realize if we get caught up here and get arrested, I'm telling them you kidnapped me!" I say this in my most serious tone, even though his surprise is amazing. He smirks at me, "I kidnapped you? Once they find out we rent an apartment together your fucked on that one." I resist the urge to hit him. He is always one upping me at my own major. "I'm not as afraid of prison for first degree murder as you think I am!" I watch him crack a smile and throw his head back to laugh. "Anna, we will be fine and I already hid your bat so don't even think about coming at me with it when we get home." I laugh at the face he makes. He knows I don't joke when it comes to my bat. Maybe he truly is making up for not following through with what ever it was he wanted to do. He took me to the top of a random skyscraper. Here we are staring over at the beautiful view of Chicago. I have got used to the city life, but I haven't had a lot of time to see it all. I am not much of an adventurer."Maybe one day we can call this our city, Ro." I would think he was trying to be romantic, but I know better. If I wasn't use to him randomly hitting on me I would read into that. "James it is already ours. I run a tiny part of it's night life and you, you are everywhere." He chuckles and then walks off from the railing. I stand there looking over. At four in the morning there are people bustling around. It was nothing short of amazing. I could be up at anytime and have something to do. Usually I just wake up James and we watch something on Netflix. "Alright, come on woman I have class at ten. I need sleep." I walk over to him and pat his head. "Ok sleepy boy lets get home." He takes my hand and we drag ourselves down five flights of stairs. Until we are finally "safe" enough to use the elevators, or so he claims. We walk out and walk down a few blocks to our apartment building. It's an exhilarating walk and then we finally arrive at our apartment go inside and straight to bed we went.

I wake up to James' god awful ringtone that I still haven't got used too as it blares throughout our room. His alarm ringtone is called, Horror Screams. Just nonsense screaming, but I guess it does the trick. He promptly shoots up out of bed and hops in the shower. I get up as well and start making an amazing breakfast. We switch the routine on and off when I have my morning classes. The only thing I'd change about this routine is that he walks out with only a towel around his manlyness. I shouldn't think to much about it considering he hooks up all the time and tons of girls have seen what is underneath that towel. Not I though, and I can deal with that. He comes strolling out of our room in Affliction apparel and his hair as crazy as ever. He sits down on the barstool on the other side of me and starts digging into his wildberry pop tart. "You know as much as I love these thing's, I wish I could live with a cook. Eggs, bacon, toast, and sausage would be nice for a change." He raises his eyebrows and smirks. My eyes go big as saucers. He told me he wasn't bringing that up again. "I still can't believe you had the smoke alarm going off that morning. How could you not know how fast eggs cook? We couldn't even save the skillet." I give him an annoyed look."I'm sorry, I was too busy getting fifth degree burns from all the grease popping from the sausage and bacon I was trying to cook. I was trying to make you feel better from being homesick, see if I ever try that again." He tries to stifle another set of laughter, but it doesn't work. He throws his head back and suddenly I kind of hope he chokes on his pop tart. He finally calms down and gives me another signature James smirk. "You told me you'd worked at a diner before, how was I to know you were strictly a cashier?" "Shut up!" He snickers, but then settles down and gives me a smile that almost makes me blush. "Later Ro!" He says as he walks over to the door. "Later Assface!" He winks at me and then promptly walks out the front door shutting it behind him. It's a good thing were best friends or I'd so be tearing this place up looking for my bat right now.

I only have one class today. It is another math class. This will be the last one I am made to take. Thankfully. I understand it, but numbers bore me. I went ahead and finished my paper about the nine eleven attacks, and have everything caught up. Were taking a math test today which means no homework in this class tonight. It is kind of nice. I get tonight to myself without homework and it's my night off. I don't have any plans. I guess I could ask Sawyer to go out and do something, but it would be awkward. Were not friends per say, we are only each others go to when we have projects. This is the second class I have had with her and we have never hung out outside of school. From an outsiders perspective it probably looks pathetic that Sawyer is the closest thing to a friend I have other than James, and we don't even have each others numbers or anything. What most don't get is that I once made friends back when I was with Scott, but none of them talked to me again after the night James helped me so there's that. Looks like another night of bingeing on Netflix and pizza. I need a good boyfriend. I should probably just start with new friends though. I would ask James to do something, but he isn't here and is most likely on another sexcapade. That whore.

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