Chapter 10

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              So Caleb says since he so graciously spent Christmas at my house as James that I should spend new years doing what he wanted. Audrey and him cooked up some kind of plan. As far as I know they're family doesn't do family get togethers, yet here they have my mom and dad convinced that they loved spending Christmas here but if they don't bring us to thier new years, it'd really hurt thier parent's feelings. Now I don't know if they are ok with ud leaving because thier parent's themselves or if there is some super Garner charm, but of course there's a Garner charm. I have liked all the ones I've met so far and I'm not exactly a people person. We all pile into our family van. I've always called it The Monster. It is a nice van it just looks like it would be the winner in a fifty mile an hour crash with a simi. They drop us all off back at the St. Louis airport, but not before squeezing us to death and telling Eli and I that they love us.

            For some reason I'm not scared of the flight this time. I will have my big brother with me. We may not have talked in forever, but were good now. He's always my big brother and with Audrey there it was nice not having to be referee for everyone. Caleb has been really sweet. He knows what to say and when to say it, but he also likes to play around. He is hilarious. Christmas night when we got back to my room to go to bed. I accidentally touched his butt because he stopped walking and I didn't notice. As soon as it happened I said sorry and he said, "Now you can call me sweet cheeks if you want." I rolled my eyes, but I couldn't hide my smile or my laugh.

            We start boarding the plane and I see Savannah. Ok maybe this is a family thing? Where are we going? I've been to busy thinking to pay attention. Doesn't the flight attendant say where were going before we take off? We sit in our seats and I realize the girl that was in the car is sitting with Savannah not to far away. I am sitting behind Eli in the window seat. Out comes the flight attendant who starts her speech. "Hey." Caleb whispers. "What?" "Thanks for agreeing to go I really didn't think you would." I tilt my head in confusion. He came for me. Why wouldn't I go for him? Is it because we're just friends? "You've done so much for me Caleb. I came because you did for me. I may not have asked you, but you did it anyways and plus with everything I owe you. I owe you more than I could ever pay back and I'm really sorry. I wish I could repay you." I watch as his face falters between hurt and mad. "I don't want you to feel like that. I have more than enough money to help you. I don't want you to feel like you need to pay me back for anything. All I want you to do is what you want to do. You don't owe me anything. I chose to go to your house because I thought you might want someone who backs you up if you needed it. I had a good time with you and it was just a bonus that Audrey was there. Your brother Elijah is alright and your parents aren't too bad. I had a good time with you. Please don't feel indebted or something. Don't think you have to do anything." I try to focus on what he is saying but now I am trying to make sure the only reason I said yes to him was because I wanted to go. Untill this very moment I haven't thought much about James. I mean yes I still feel like some of me is missing but its not like he's trying to get a hold of me. Yeah I pissed him off, but it isn't like he is fighting for me. I know I would. I'd fight for him. In a way I still am by not letting anything happen with Caleb. For what? Whydo I let happiness suffer for someone whose making me miserable? I must be crazy. Awe man he made me miss finding out where were going. "Look regardless of everything I came so let's just make the most of it." As mean as that sounded it is the truth. I'm twenty one. I'm part of the fourty percent of people in my class yet to have a kid, get married, or even engaged. I'm still here boyfriend less. Thats sounds lame. I should enjoy my young adult life and live it up. Who am I kidding? That isn't me at all. I close my eyes and try to relax. Once I get back to Chicago I am staying home for a week straight. All this traveling is too much for me.

               We get off the plane and walk through the airport. I squint my eyes incase I'm reading the sign wrong. Were in New York? Freaking seriously? I run over to Eli. "Did you know this is where we were going?" He smiles and nods his head. "Yes I knew. Audrey and I were supposed to be here last year, but it didn't work out." So there is an annual thing. James told me his family doesn't do family things. Why lie to me? Unless he just never went and wanted to act like they never happened. Now I see a limo looking driver holding up a sign that says, Garner. Three very beautiful people and then there is Eli, Kelsey,  and I. Not that we aren't pretty were just not stunning. How did we end up with these people? It has to be our personalities. We gather in our limousine. "Where are our bags going?" I ask Caleb. "Don't worry about it. They will be there at the hotel." I'm not used to this at all. First class flying, hotel suits, not having to buy everything, and having a guy be this sweet to me knowing they could want something more than friends or a fling. It's almost scary. I am comfortable with Caleb. It is nice to know where I stand with someone and not feel like I have to hide my feelings because I am afraid they're going to get hurt when James told me he just wanted to hook up or he didn't think of me in that way. Plus the fact that I pissed him off right before we left New Orleans means were probably never talking again. I did the crime and I have to pay the time and I need to make myself okay with that. I mean I feel bad about it but James has done a lot to me and he didn't seem to care or feel the need to say sorry. Why do I have too? If he wants to kill our friend over that knowing I only did it out of spite of all the hurt he put me through then so be it. Caleb puts his hand on my shoulder. "Were about to the hotel. Now don't be mad, but I kinda creeped on what size you wear. I know girls have this weird thing about size but I needed it and Audrey refused to help me back at your house saying I had to do it. Eli and I have to go somewhere else for a bit so you, Audrey, Savannah, and Kelsey are all going up to the suite. Well be back in about an hour." Before I jave time to be uncomfortable I'm being shoved out of the limo. "Elijah how dare you push me!" He hurried up and shut the door. Oh he's lucky. I hardly ever use his full name, except when I am angry at him. He was always one of those protective brothers, but he also liked to annoy me. I claim he couldn't decide what kind of brother to be loving and caring or pesky and gross, so he chose both. "Come on Anna." Audrey said while laughing. I take a deep breath and follow thier lead.

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