Chapter 5

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I woke up with such a headache, I swear the room was spinning. I only remember little things from last night, most of it was a blur. I do remember someone taking me home though but I can't remember who it was. I remember dylan got really hurt, oh snap dylan got beat up. I need to phone him to make sure he's ok. I got up off my bed and walked then fell over . why the hell is dylan sleeping on my floor.

"Dylan, dylan. woke up, you have a ugly face"

"Who you calling ugly, horse face" I gave him a punch

"I am not a horse you dog"

"At least I'm loyal"

"Jerk, guess whatI'm making pancakes and your not have any haha"

"Oh yeah"

We both started running downstairs and we got to the kitchen, were my mum was just standing there making pancakes. i turned my direction to the table and Dylan's mum was there. I wonder what they want. They can be so embarrassing when me and dylan are together.

"Are you's a thing yet?" No way did my mum just say that omg

"No, mum. we're just friends" even though I wish we were more

"We always thought you's would get together at some point. you's kinda had that relationships"

"We're friends nothing more, nothing less"

"Get your stuff ready both of you's, we're going to a water park come on" Dylan's mum said

I ran upstairs as fast as my legs could and got all my stuff I needed. I love water park there the best things and I get to go with my family and dylan. Yes I'm a big child but it's a water park I have my excuses.we got in the car and the song midnight memories came on by one direction and we all started singing even dylan, before we knew it we were there. I got into my bikini and went on a lot of ride, me and dylan took pictures and some videos.I noticed a few times that this guy was starting at me. may I say he is gorgeous.

"Back, back, a little more dylan. right smile" this big bucket tilted and dylan got soaking wet. it was the funniest thing ever and I got it on video.

"Your dead sinead" I started running and dylan wrapped his arms round my waist and then through me in the pool. jerk, the guy that was staring at me came over.

"Hey, you ok?I'm ste"

"I'm sinead, I'm fine he's just a's nice to meet you" omg he's British, I'm like melting at the sound of his voice

"The pleasure is all mine, may I say you are one beautiful girl. your eyes are like an ocean blue. very beautiful"

"Hehe you called me pretty" did I really just giggle like a little girl, how embarrassing.

Dylan's pov

Sinead doesn't even remember anything from last night, I told her how I felt and she doesn't remember. I knew she didn't like me, she's probably doesn't even care about me. She seems to like that guy she's talking too. Wait who is that guy, sinead is mine he better back the hell up or i'll make him.

"Mum, who the hell is that sinead is talking to? Who does he think he is talking to her"

"I dunno honey, are you jealous?"

"What, me jealous. please why would I be jealous of him, I don't even like sinead in that way. I don't even like the way her eyes shine in the sun or the way she smiles when we hang out, the way she giggles like a little girl or the way she hugs me. the way her hair smells, I love how we always make pancakes together. no I don't like her like that"

"You could of fooled me, honey"

Yes I'm jealous of course I am, I have loved her for years and she doesn't even like me. I need to stop him from talking to her, she is mine no one else's plus i don't like that guy.

"Hey sinead, who's this?"

"This is ste, he's British"

"British I don't like British guys. I think you should get lost and leave her alone"

"No ste, you don't have to"

"Yes you do, leave her alone. she is not going anywhere near you, I know what you guys are like and I won't let you do anything to sinead. just get lost ok?"

Sinead pov

Why is he being like this, I'm aloud to talk to other guys.

"What the hell is your problem? he was just talking to me, I'm aloud to talk to other guys dylan. stop trying to control my life"

"I don't like him and no your not, you should be more careful. I know what he wanted. I'm not controlling you life I'm looking out for you there is a different"

"Who the hell do you think you are telling me what to do? you are not my dad, so back off. I am old enough to look after my self, you don't see me doing this when you talk to girls so just stop it"

"No your not sinead, your careless, you don't even care what the guy says if he's hot that's all you care about. anything could happen to you and it would be your fault because you didn't care. I think you should pay more attention to things and maybe you will get some where in life but maybe you won't since no one likes you. stop acting like a little girl and grow up"

I can't believe he just said that to me, I thought he was my friend.

"You are such a jerk, I don't know why I didnt notice it before. Stay away from me dylan, I don't want you in my life. I don't want anything to do with you no more"

I just ran away, this is the worst thing i've ever felt. He was meant to be my bestfriend and he just said that me. I thought maybe just maybe he might of loved me back but I guess I was wrong

"Mum, can we please go home I don't want to stay here no more"

"Honey what is it? why you crying?"

"Dylan was being a jerk and said some means stuff to me. I don't want anything to do with him so can he not go in the car with us home please mum"

"Ok darling but you's will make up I know you's will. you's can't be apart for a long period of time "

Dylan dauzat: I need youWhere stories live. Discover now