Turning Tables (Harry Styles fanfic)

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"The world is being torn out from beneath our feet, every fraction of society has broken. We must fight before it's too late" ~ Unknown

Orginally born in the city of Belgia, Elizea-May Rutter was a darns. When her parents mysteriously died in a accidentally that only few can remember, Elizea was orphaned.

Two years later however and she's been adopted by Dr Eric D Marunders (Otherwise known as Captain) one of the richest inhabitants of Westfield a utopian city that has had no new technology advancements for the last decade.

One year on from that Elizea meets her soul brother Harry Styles, one of the only people who's managed to break her wall and know the real Elizea. The pair are always hip to hip.

Now after 9 years of near brutal training and work Elizea-May Rutter is one of the most well trained and honoured soilders in Doctor Eric D Marunders unit "The Railroads". Which literally to show the originality of its name is built along the lines of delegated Railway stations andtrain lines. It is Westfield's secret army.

Join Elizea-May and Harry on their biggest mission yet; to discover what started this wretched war.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2014 ⏰

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