Bar and Affair

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(Down the street from the Bar)

Galand, Tsukune, and Melascula are currently going to the local bar.

Tsukune: Are you sure about this? My mo-

Melascula: Come on! Back in our day, defying your mother was practically a sport for teens your age!

Tsukune: That's not how things work with her!

Galand: Regardless, you will learn the enchanted joys of alcohol! Although such gift should have been allowed to you MUCH earlier!

Tsukune: I just have a bad feeling about this.

Melascula: Humans always say that! Even if they are right seventy percent of the time!

Tsukune: I nearly mugged near that place if it weren't for Melioda!

Galand: I assure you it won't be as nasty you remember. Derieri will see to that.


(Derieri is dressed in the clothing shown in the first chapter)

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(Derieri is dressed in the clothing shown in the first chapter)

Derieri walked in... and was disgusted. The bar was dimly lit, had dirty tables and vomit on the floor. Now to get to business though. She walked up to shady man who was the bartender.

????: What can I offer you?

Derieri: I would like to purchase this establishment.

????: With what money?

Derieri pulled out a bag and poured it on the bar deck.

Derieri pulled out a bag and poured it on the bar deck

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The man's eyes widened with surprise.

Derieri: Will this work?

The man took the coins and gave a greasy smile.

????: This will work. 

He took off out the door. Derieri pulled out a piece of Goddess Amber and shattered it, which released light all over the room. It faded and looked completely different.

 It faded and looked completely different

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