day 5

173 16 1

Dear Reece,

Mum got mad at me yesterday for sneaking out. I told her later how I couldn't stand being at school, not without you, and she's letting me stay off school for a while. She's trying to help, I know she is, but it's just not working.

Everyone is beginning to think you're dead. They're already losing hope, but I know you're not dead. I know you're still out there, no matter what anyone says.

Are you planning on coming back, Reece? Or are you actually going to leave me, forget about me and start a new life with someone else?

I have hope Reece. That's one thing you've always told me to do, so I will; I have hope that I'll see your face again.

Until soon,

《 letters to a runner ~ greece, nhc 》 {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now