bad but good

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y/n's POV

I actually just called her cute and gave her my number.

unknown: this is Emma 😃

Me: hey emma, thanks for adding my number


Me: man, thanks

emma 💘: of course 😊

I didn't know what to say, I was panicking.

"Who are you texting?" Danileigh asked putting her hand on my bicep.

"Oh, some concert girl." I said and Danileigh smiled. "Another round?" She asked moving her hand over my abs.

I took her hand off gentley.

"Don't feel good." I said and got out of the bed bare ass naked. I went up to the window and looked out.

"Your ass is cute." Dani said and I turned around to her biting her lip. I sent Emma a heart emoji and then shut down my phone. I got back in bed and wrapped my arm around Dani.

"Happy anniversary." I said and Danileigh kissed me.

"To five years." She said then started kissing my neck. I looked up at the ceiling and dwelled in my thoughts. This was so bad but so good.

shortest chapter I've ever written ✌ but yeahhhhh
but alsooooo, sry thats its been so long 😂

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