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The nagging feeling that pushes you off your feet helped you get closer to your ideal lifestyle.

But, how would you archive something so great if no one is there?

You simply can't, you're too weak alone.

No one would support you on the sidelines because they don't watch the same game twice.

But, there's another way.

There always the will to buy the indulgences provided to save your wish.

Purchased everything until you have nothing else but the debt you left yourself in.

You didn't realize that over time, sitting around and waiting for the next chance to cope a feel of what's it like to be free can be so lonely.

It is lonely because you were too weak, you were too foolish not to think about the other things that were available for you at the tips of your fingers.

But how could such a small person stand with an opinion too big for their hands?

Do nothing.

Do absolutely nothing about it, your key won't fit into other solutions because it's broken.

It's broken because you don't stand a chance, and you will never stand a chance with your self-pity.

You're too selfish to realize what's holding you down.

Is it really your fault though?

Or was it my fault to never watch you perform your ideal life.

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