Chapter 4 ~ I love you

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Frankie's POV


3:23 PM || November 15, 2014

I fixed my hair for the 689th time today. The blue strand of my hair are to close to the orange ones.

I had to look perfect. I had to be what he wanted.

"Mom, Zach is coming soon so please get ready."

"I am, don't worry!"

I can't wait to meet Peyton. I hope he likes me.

I put on some cologne and set up the table.

I had already cooked some spaghetti and meatballs.

All of the sudden the door bell rang.

"I'll get it!!" I screamed sprinting toward the door.

I closed my eyes for a moment and breathed in.

I opened my eyes and the door and saw Zach. I almost started cry.

"Frank the man!"

"Zach Attack!"

He pounced into my arms and hugged me. I was basically carrying him.

"Oh my god, I missed you." he whined into my neck kissing the collar bone.

I'm supposed to kiss him. Wow.

"I know I haven't seen you in the longest time, oh my god you've gotten so muscular!"

"You've gotten hotter."


"Your sexy. Dude seriously."

"Oh thanks." I blush, settling him on his feet again.

"Frankie?" I heard a young voice.

I turned a little to see it was Peyton.

"Peyton! Oh my gosh I've heard boat loads about you."


"He's shy around important people."

"No I'm not!" he snapped at Zach.

"That's okay. Oh my gosh is that the beautiful Mama Rance!?" I gasped.

"Why yes it is!" she giggled welcoming me in a hug.

We all greeted one another and then sat at the table.

"So, Frankie. Your a youtuber?" Peyton asked.

"Yeah, I am."

"Do you know Tobuscus?!" he asked in amazement.

"I've met him once, but we don't talk."

"Oh my gosh, he's going through that video game phase and it's so annoying." Zach complains.

"What's wrong with video games?" I smile at him and he tries not to smile back.

"I don't know, he let it take over his life. Apparently he doesn't like golf anymore." Zach rolls his eyes.

"Leave your brother alone Zachary." Mama Rance said.

We finished our dinner and me, Zach and Peyton went upstairs.

"Frankie?" Zach asked.

"What's up?"

"Remember that one time, when we were hugging and I started to ask you questions you?"

"I don't but go on."

"Well I was questioning my sexuality. And like you said we can have a talk...but we never did."

"Do you want to have one?"

"Can we?"

"Of course." we had already realized Peyton left to go downstairs. So me and Zach sat next to each other.

"I mean I don't really know what these talks are like I might be awkward."

"Your fine."

"What do I do."

I stood there and looked at his lips, my heart racing because of what I planned on doing. I crashed my lips against his and kissed him.

He backed away and stared at me in awe.

"Gay or straight?"


"Did you enjoy that?"

"Frankie. I'm...your..."

"Avoiding my question. Did you feel sparks?"


"Can you please answer?"

"If I were gay, yes."

"What does that mean?" I laughed.

"Like, I liked it a lot but I'm straight."

"Are you serious?"


"Your not questioning yourself? If you felt something it means something."

"Well what am I supposed to tell Kylie?"

"The truth!

"Can we experiment more before I do that?"

"How much more can we-"

"Ya know. Do stuff." he turned red immediately.

"I guess." I tried not to sound eager but I probably did.

"D-do you want to...or?"

"Anything you want but I don't think we should do that right now considering you have a girlfriend."

"I do? Oh...yeah."

"Let's just try the kissing a little more."

He leaned towards me and he looked like he was about to crack up.


"I don't know...i just think I'm in love with you."


"I'm in love with you Frankie."


"Shut up."

" love?....with"

"Yes. Yes I am."

"I'm going to make out with you now."

"Oh my gosh, Frankie."

I grabbed his face a pulled it to mine a kissed his lips. He started licking my bottom lip and I parted mine so he could enter.

To be honest he's a horrible kisser, but it was still amazing.

"Your a horrible kisser." I laughed as we pulled away.

"No I'm not!"

"You are but it's still amazing kissing you."

"It is?"

"Ya. I love you so much."

"I love you too."

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