(Questioning) Warren Graham

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(Warren's pov)
Don't you just love school? I mean there's the horrible food. The rude jocks. The but load of homework. There's just so much to love...as anyone could tell you I'm obviously not the biggest fan of school. I mean just look at me I'm ground zero for bully's. But a bunch of jocks and preppy cheerleaders are the least of my worries this year. No my fears this year go a lot deeper then that...
It's currently my second year of high school and I managed to coast by pretty ease freshman year. I didn't tend to stick out to much so the bullies left me alone for the most part. But as I entered 10th grade I let my guard down. I felt more free to express myself and the jocks didn't like that to much. I was easily in the top 3 of their go to targets. One of the few kids above me in that list was [m/n] [l/n].
He wasn't nerdy like me or anything. He wasn't unattractive either. The only problem it seemed people had with him was the fact that he was openly gay. He didn't throw that fact into people's faces or anything. He just didn't hide it either. He'd wear a shirt or two with the lgbt flag on it but that was it mainly. It wasn't until pride month that things really got out of hand. Victoria chase of all people found his Instagram and shared it around the entire school. People flooded his comments section with hateful slurs and the like. But he never said anything about it. His account is still up and he walks around like nothing is wrong.
But to finally get to the point. [m/n] is where all my problems are coming from this year. I know it seems weird. "Why would you have problems with the kid who gets bullied more than you?" Well it would be easier to show you then to explain it.
(Flashback. Third person)
"For the first project of the year everyone will be partnered up in teams of two." For the first time in class everyone's heads shot up from their desks. "I will be picking your partners." And now everyone went back to trying to sleep through the rest of the period. "Kate marsh and Victoria chase. Nathan Prescott and Brooke Scott. Warren Graham & [m/n] [l/n]..."
Warren finally looked up from his notebook and doodles to scan the room for his partner. He has always seen [m/n] in passing through the halls but had never actually talked to the boy. He never actually got a good look at the boy when he thought about it. Warren spotted the boy in the far corner of the classroom looking pretty bored. As he laid his eyes on him [m/n] turned to see him and gave him a gentle wave. And the smile that spread across his face seemed to be glowing. Warren couldn't keep his eyes off the boy. The first time he got a good look at his [h/c] haired classmate and he had the most beautiful look on his face. The only thing that snapped Warren from his shock was a comment made from his seat mate.
"Be careful now Graham. Don't want to catch what that fag has." Everyone around the pair laughed out loud instantly. A million thoughts crossed the science nerds mind but he didn't act on any of them. He learned a while ago it was better to just ignore this kind of comments. The bell would ring soon anyway.
As warren packed all his supplies up he felt a small tap on his shoulder. As he looked behind him he was meet with stunning [e/c] eyes and for the second time that class period he was sent into a blushing fit.
"So it looks like we're going to be partners for a little while. That damn smile.
"Umm ye..yeah. So uh." Warren.exe has stopped working.
"Are you okay?" That finally broke whatever spell warren had found him self under.
"Oh yeah. I'm. Im fine. So umm since we have lunch right now. Do you maybe want to sit together to figure our project out?"
(Warren pov)
What the hell is wrong with me? I shouldn't be this nervous right now.
"That shouldn't be to much of a problem considering I already sit at the same table with you." [m/n] let out a soft little chuckle with that sentence. And for some reason I found that to be. "Cute."
"Excuse me?" SHIT! I didn't just say that. I did not just say that out loud.
"Don't worry about it. We should probably get going that line will be pretty long by now!" I can't believe myself right now! I shouldn't find him cute. He's a guy. I'm a guy. Plus I like chicks...Right?
(Time skip. Your POV.)
It's been around a month since Warren and I got partnered up for a science project. We'd have to hand it in soon and we were quite on schedule. The only problem is every time we got the ball rolling Warren would kind of check out mentally. He's been doing it since we first started but it seems to be getting worse. I'd try and ask him what was going on but he would just say it was nothing important. I know I shouldn't worry to much but not only is he my partner. I kinda have feelings for him.
Which I know is weird considering I never really talked to him before last month but he's just so damn adorable. I mean even just on a visual level he's very attractive. But then whenever something even vaguely sexual would be said he'd burst into a large blush. He's also very smart but not in an obnoxiously. He's always willing to help other people and he's by far the nicest person at school. Whoever ends up dating him sure will be luck...
"[m/n]! [m/n]!" Oh shit. Looks like I'm the one day dreaming now.
"What's up Warren?" I tried to look as nonchalant as possible.
"You umm. Well you've been drooling for the past 2 minutes." Oh god. I've been caught.
"Sorry. I just i was thinking of...a show I watched the other day." Really me?
"Okayyy then. Anyway Isn't it about time you left to go to your own dorm room?" No it can't be time to leave already! It feels like I just got here.
"Actually I was hoping I could spend the night here. If that doesn't bother you to much." I can't believe I just said that! Why isn't he responding!? Oh god I've finally broken him.
"Why...why would you want to do that?! I...I mean. Wouldn't you be more comfortable in your own room." Oh god that blush. So cute.
"Well I mean I'm already here. And it's the weekend so it's not like we have school tomorrow. Plus I just would like to spend a little more time with you." Shouldn't have said that last bit. Should not have said that.
"Oh." Is that a yes or a no? "I guess that should be fine." Thank god.
(Skip to sleepy go bye bye time)
  All lights were off, the only light came through warren's open window. It's been ten minutes since I laid down after a heated argument over who got the bed. I lost. Judging from his breathing I would guess warren is just as awake as I am right now. I normally have a pretty easy time sleeping but having your crush right next to you...it makes anything just a little bit harder.
   "[m/n]?" Huh? Definitely wasn't expecting a conversation to start right now. "How did you know you were gay?" Cue internal spit take.
  "W...WHAT?! Why dO you aSk?" I sat up as much as possible to look at Warren. He was still staring at the ceiling.
   "I...I don't know...was just curious I guess." Even in the dark that blush was impossible to miss.
   "Well. I just knew really. There was never really a moment that I went oh yeah I'm gay." Catch your breath 1m/n]. Calm your heart rate. "Warren?" He finally decided to turn my way. "Are...you gay?"
   His head was still facing but his eyes were looking at anything other then mine. "I'm not sure actually. You see there's. There's this guy at school who looks pretty cute and all. And I think I like him but.
   "But what?"
  "I mean I've always been attracted to girls you know. I just don't really know what's going on."? This is either the best or worse day ever. On one hand my crush might possible be gay. On the other I'm not exactly the one he likes. Right?
   "Well I'm no expert. And that's not much information to go off. But you could possibly be bi. Ya know swing both ways and all that." I felt his eyes return back to me. But as soon as they did I stared intently into the floor.
   "But how do I know for sure?" Well most people just figure it out on their own. Not exactly a specific way to find out.
   "You could try kissing a guy." Why the F**K did I say that?! Oh god he's gonna think I'm a weirdo.
   Taking a glance back to the figure in bed I saw a million thoughts fly through his head. After a few seconds he got out of his bed. But I was stuck to the floor. He's gonna kick me out isn't he?
   Warren was standing right in front me. I'm quite a bit taller then him. But he seems huge at this moment. He started to lean down towards me and my first thought was to close my eyes. I waited expecting a full blown kiss to happen. Instead I felt a small peck on my forehead.
   "I don't know [m/n]. The results aren't exactly coming back positive or negative. I might have to go further." This bastard had the guts to smirk at me. But who am I kidding. I couldn't help but mirror the expression.
   "Well why don't you come closer to go for another test." He started to lean back down and I grabbed him by the back of his head to smash our lips together. He was surprised at first. But slowly melted into it. I placed him right into my lap and we sat connected for what felt like hours.
   "It's still really hard to te..." I didn't even let him finish. I've waited to long for this. I pinned him to the ground and we continued in this cycle for over an hour. We finally got tired and just laid on the floor holding each other. "I love you [m/n]." I love you to warren.

And another chapter has been finished! I was not expecting it to be this long. I also wasn't expecting to be gone so long. But things happen. I wish I could promise to update Regularly. But you should never make a promise you know you can't keep. I just hope you all enjoyed this chapter of this hopefully on going book. I don't have much more to say. So as usual vote, comment, share with a friend. CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM is always appreciated. And I'll see all you Insiders(so stupid) soon. Until next time. BYE!👋🏻😄

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