It's me again.

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(This will be copied and pasted on all my works.)
So I feel there is a lot to explain. First off I'm not dead. (Obviously) secondly I'm really sorry! It's been over a year and nothing has Ben posted. Not just to this story but to any of my stories. And I'm very sorry. The support I get on these is incredible. And hard to believe. I started writing out of pure boredom like 3 or 4 years ago thinking no one was going to see anything I posted. And now my first real work has around 80k views. This blows my mind. To see people's reaction to my work is unreal. But I need to address why I update so little. I have a really weird mental state with these stories. I am a very different person outside of my writing. Almost as if I have two sides of me. And I still have not fully embraced the side of me you guys see. The other side is constantly weirded out by the stuff I write. And I'm a very big critic of myself. Every time i see the stuff I write I internally cringe for like 5 straight minutes. And it's really hard to get in to the right state to write these stories. I want to finish what I started because I feel you guys deserve a proper end. To still have support on these is shocking to me. After being off this site for so long I constantly get hundreds of updates from likes, to comments, and the such. And I really enjoy it all and I'm humbled by it. I get the bug to write every now and again but it always flees before I can do anything about it. I'm really going to try and at least finish what I began doing. After that it's really hard to say what will happen. At this point in my life I just can't see myself continuing these stories for much longer. But never say never I guess. Going along with these finishing what I started thing though. I have taken my last request. I will no longer be taking suggestions on stories. But feedback is still very much appreciated!
Thank you to everyone reading this. If you just randomly stumbled upon this and read to the end thank you. If you've followed me for a few days thank you. If you somehow have followed me for more than a year. Thank you. Sorry if this was a little long or way over do. (Also Sorry if you didn't really want a deep dive into my mental state I guess.) If this is my last update or not. If I retire from writing after all is said or done or not. Thank you to everyone!

Until Next time. BYE!😁👋🏻

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2020 ⏰

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