Chapter 11 Suzy's Suicidal Note

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"Argh. Who are you, get out,"shouted Suzy.

"Stop it Suzy. You know that I was told to do it,"said that boy. He took off his hoodie and Suzy was horrified.

"Shawn? Wait, how did you survived?"

"Suzy, I was unable to tell you. After you guys cannot save me, I was saved by a pedestrian. However when I want to go home, your mom has prepared my grave at the backyard,"

Shawn cannot imagine that he can meet his sister after years of being gone. However Suzy asked:" Shawn, why won't you go back home if your okay? Mom is very worried, she kept herself in her room and felt very depressed when you left us,"

"I am sorry, but I have to,"

Meanwhile, Mina and her team were on their way to find Suzy. Suddenly, Mina bang on someone. She went up and said:" Isabeau and Katherine? What are you doing here? Aren't you from the other studio?"

Isabeau said:" Oh, we are here to bring Helen and Jolie to see Freddy. They were hyped to see him,"

Jolie then said to Isabeau:" Um, excuse me, its not ME that I wanna follow,"

Maknae was the excited one saying:"You guys are from the studio Aiseetiantales right? We are from the studio The World of Nora. Nice to meet you,"

Katherine then said:" Nice to meet you too, Maknae. Why are you guys here in Hell of Vampires?"

"We are here to find Suzy. She left a suicidal note at the hospital and we are finding her now,"

"Oh my? You need help on finding her?"said Helen.

"But I thought you want to find Freddy?"

"Well we can follow you to find Suzy,"shouted Jolie.

"Really? Did you say that just to avoid going to see Freddy?"said Helen.


Maria went to find Katherine and asked:" I didn't see Keetah around?" Is he at home?"

"Yes ma'am. Pikamom and Slendy are taking after him,"

Mina's phone suddenly rang and this took a lot of attention. She answered the phone and was having an unfortunate face.

"Guys, we have to be quick now,"said Mina.

Everyone stopped and ran together to find Suzy. Isabeau was worried at the other side, she cannot imagine how dark is the place.

They took the car which Manila rent earlier which is way too small to squeeze everyone in the car.

"Wow, the car you rent earlier is way small than I expected,"said Maria.

"Excuse me. We didn't expect the Aiseetiantales' crew to be here,"said Manila.

"We are fine with it. You can go on,"said Isabeau.

So they finally reached their third destination, the Wicked Castle. Jolie once again talk about what happened at Freddy's restaurant.

Helen then said:" They are nice, Jolie. Don't make me slap you,"


Isabeau at the other side was very calm. Maknae then ask:" Do they, fight like this all the time?"

"Um, yes. They do,"

Suddenly, some weird gas was everywhere and everyone quickly covered their nose. However when the gas was gone, Katherine was missing.

Everyone could not believe that Katherine went missing. Manila and Maknae took up their guns and started walking into the castle.

Isabeau was scared and she is afraid losing her sister. However she remembered her boyfriend, Skipper the penguin told the to calm down once when she was shrunk.

She calmed herself and went into the castle. The door suddenly slammed and locked by itself.

Everyone panicked and wanted to escape. The castle inside was dark and haunted, The facilities were also abandoned.

"Oh my,what should we do now?"said Helen.

"Who told you to follow them, Helen?"said Jolie.

"We followed them because they wanted to find Suzy and they need help!"

Maknae came and told them:" Guys, we should not fight about this. First we need to find Kathy,"

Lights were turn on in a short time. It is very red and a ghost appeared and tied Maknae.

"Welcome to the castle, ladies. I'll be the master today and I have something to show you,"

She flicks her fingers and everyone saw Katherine on the cross.

To Be Continued......

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