Frerard: Best Birthday Ever

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Gerard: 17/DD Era
Ray: 17/DD Era    
Mikey: 16/Revenge Era     
Frank: 16/Revenge Era

1567 words


Mikey & Frank has been internet friends for 3 years. With Mikey living in New Jersey and Frank in Ohio, their main communications is facetime. Gerard has developed a crush on the boy, but doesn't want to make a move. What will happen on this Halloween night when the boys get a surprise? Keep reading to find out!

*Gerard POV*

Halloween. The best time of year. The time when it's acceptable to watch horror movies all night and not be called crazy.

"C'mon, Mikey, or we're starting the movies without you!" I yelled upstairs. Ray and I sat on the floor, surrounded by pizza, coffee, and The Shining waiting to be played while my mom is away on yet another business trip.

We've already watched Silence of the Lambs, Carrie, The Exorcist, and Texas Chainsaw Massacre and it's just 8:30. We take Halloween very seriously in this house.

Mikey suddenly came trampling down the stairs. "Guys, Frank is moving into the house across the road!" He jumped between me and Ray with Frank's face on the screen. He giggled, making my heart beat a little faster. "Yeah, I didn't know until Mikes recognized the address. We are actually supposed to be getting there any minute."

I felt myself starting to blush. The kid I've slowly started majorly crushing on is now going to be my neighbor. Fuck my life. Ray started smirking on me. He's caught on to my little crush and has not let it go. He's gonna have a bloody field day with this.

"You okay Gee?" He asked too loudly for my liking. "Yeah, you look extra pale. Well, except your cheeks." Frank chimed in. Oh no, I've been compromised. I'm not ready for this kind of confrontation. Just play it cool Gerard. "Uh, y-yeah, I-I'm just n-not feeling well... I'll b-be right b-back..." Well shit.

I ran downstairs to my room, Ray following behind me. I jumped face down onto my bed as Ray laughed his ass off at the doorway. "Fuck you, Raymond." He sighed and sat beside me and rubbed my head. "Come on now, Gee. Your crush is now your neighbor, that's perfect!"

"No it's not! I'm too awkward for this shit..." I rolled over and looked at Ray. "Look, you like him, he likes you, just ask him out." I rolled my eyes. "There is no way he likes me." Ray looked at me like I had horns and glowing eyes. "Have you SEEN HOW HE LOOKS AT YOU!? He looks at you like you're a god, he loves you!"

I sighed. "I don't know, Ray, what if-"

"Guys, Frank is here!" Mikey yelled from upstairs. My eyes darted to Ray. "Of course he would invite him over! Now what!? I'm screwed!" He laughed. "Okay Gerard, it's time for you to grow a pair. You have a cute boy and a horror movie marathon upstairs. This should be heaven for you!" I nodded. "You're right, I got this."

We both walked upstairs and sure enough, Frank was standing by the door talking to Mikey. "You gonna let the kid in Mikes?" I said with a small smile. Mikey laughed. "Er, right. My bad, come on in. You can put your bag anywhere. We were about to watch The Shining." Frank smiled brightly. "I love scary movies, even tough they scare me easy. I'm a pussy when it comes to movies..."

We all laughed until Mikey motioned in my direction. "Even though you already know them, that's Gerard, and that's Ray." Frank Laughed. "Thanks, I thought it was Spider Man and Captain America." Mikey rolled his eyes. "If you're done being an asshole, there's a movie to be watched."

We all arranged ourselves on the floor with Ray on one edge, then me, then Frank, then Mikey, all with snacks or coffees in hand as the movie started.

*hour later*

So. Frank was not lying when he said he was easily scared. About halfway through the movie, he jumped and his hand ended up on mine, so I laced our finger together while keeping my eyes on the screen. He looked at me for a second before smiling and looking back at the screen. Point Gee.

By the end of the movie, Mikey was on his phone, probably texting Pete, Ray was passed out and Frank was closer beside me, hand still in mine. Oh no. I was holding his hand. It felt great now, but what about later? Will I have to talk to him about it? Shit. Abort, ABORT.

I slowly let go of Frank's hand and stood up. "Hey, I'm gonna go get some more coffee. You coming Ray?" He slowly stirred awake. "Hm? Yeah sure I-"

"No, look at your phone Ray! Dumbass..." Mikey cut him off. Everyone looked at him. "Oh, uh, Joe was trying to get ahold of him, and uh, he told me to tell him to check his phone..." His poker face finally broke as he looked at Ray. He looked at his phone and laughed sleepily. "Yeah, silly Joe. But actually, I don't think I wanna go anywhere, I'm pretty tired." He bit back a smirk.

Mikey spoke up again. "I'm tired too. Frank, would you mind going with Gee so he doesn't have to drive by himself?" Oh that little shit thinks he's smooth. "Oh, yeah sure. I just need to use the restroom first." I pointed down the hallways. "Past the kitchen, second door on the left." HE nodded and walked off.

I narrowed my eyes at Mikey and Ray as they rolled around in a fit of laughter on the floor. "You guys are such assholes!" I whisper-yelled. "Come on Gerard, you should be thanking me." Mikey stated, crossing his arms. "Thanking you? I'm gonna kill you!" Ray stood up and grabbed my shoulder. "We've already had this conversation. Besides, you've already made part of a move, now you just have to try a little bit harder and use actual words."

The bathroom door opened and Ray sent me a reassuring smile and nod. I sighed and grabbed my keys. you got this Gerard, it's just driving to get coffee. I turned and smiled at Frank. "Ready?" frank nodded and followed me out the door.

As we got into the car, Frank looked around. "Holy shit, a 1977 Mustang Cobra, this is literally my dream car!" I smiled as I started the engine, a sound that would never get old. "Mine too. I saved every penny since I was 12 to buy it. So, you excited about Jersey?"

Frank started playing with the cloth around the hole in his jeans. "Eh, kind of. I'm excited to be away from my asshole dad and douche bag bullies. I'm gonna miss Josh and Tyler though." I felt my heart drop. Who could hurt such a sweet person?

"Well I can promise you that nobody will hurt you here, at least not while I'm here." He looked at me like I just handed him a million dollars. "I... Thank you Gee." I smiled at him then turned back to face the road.

There was a couple minutes of half awkward, half comfortable silence before Frank started giggling, causing me to raise an eyebrow at him. "y'know, I used to think you hated me. I mean you still might but you're talking to me so..." I laughed. "Why would you think I hated you? Am I that much of an asshole? I'd like to say I'm a nice-ish person."

"No, no that's not what I meant! You're an amazing person. It's just when Mikey calls and you're around you try to avoid me then leave so I just assumed you hated me like everyone else." I sighed. "Well, no, I don't hate you. I just get too awkward to talk.

Frank pulled his legs into the seat. "Well that's a shame, I liked hearing you talk. Especially about art stuff. I don't know what you're talking about half of the time but your eyes light up and it's really cute... I just like you in general really..." I looked over and seen him with his head down, playing with his fingers. So maybe he does like me. Point Raymond.

I reached over and took one of his hands in mine. "I like you too Frank." He smiled at me, but it quickly faded. "I hope Mikey doesn't kill me for liking his brother." I laughed. "Mikey knows. So does Ray. Ray knew I liked you for a while and I guess Mikes knew that you liked me. They aren't tired, that's why they sent you with me so I could actually talk to you."

He smiled again, looking down at the floor. "Well in that case, would you wanna, maybe, be my boyfriend..?" I kissed his hand as I drove. "Of course I'll be your boyfriend Frank." He smiled out the window. "Best birthday ever."


Hey, would you look at that, it's finally over! It's 4am while I'm writing this and I'm not doing a lot of checking, so you're gonna are to bear with the errors. Did you guys love it? Hate it? Want more of it? Want me to delete my profile? Let me know! -xxKellin

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