To Yaya

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Writing down her repressed feelings to the various papers, she crumpled it again and threw it back. She groaned in frustration. She stood up from her sitting position and dropped herself on the bed. From groaning, she was now covering her mouth when she was squeaking all the frustrations out until her throat ached. She buried her blushing face on the pink pillow. 

"What am I doing?!"  She chided herself. She went out on her bed and stood against the floor filled with crumpled papers. 

They are supposed to be a letter to Boboiboy. No, to herself. She wanted to make a letter to herself saying that she must move on and just be happy with the way things are.

But clearly you aren't! Deep down inside you, you are still rooting for Boboiboy and Ying's wedding cancellation!  A voice would constantly argue with her.

She hid her teary face under her shaking hands, "I know! I'm a bad friend!"

You're moping for the things that should suppose to happen? Ha! You should've told to that oblivious and stupid man your feelings! Now look! You're the one breaking inside! Your bestfriends- they're going to get married!

She cried harder this time, putting her light and aching head to the floor. 

You're making your life despicable. I thought you're better than that, Yaya! 

She was crying and huffing hard, until she decided to stand up to catch her breath. Yes. She really is despicable.

A sudden call from someone alerted her weak figure. She scanned the caller. It was Ying.

Not now, Ying. She decided not to answer the call and continued moping, she heard herself sniffing a countless times. 

Laying on the cold floor, she now noticed the crumpled letters around her. Reaching out to grab one, she opened it and read its contents. 

You can get over it. Not now, but very soon. Just keep hanging, Yaya.

She threw it away and snatched another one.

Why do you keep on regretting the things that should have happened? You never confessed to that oblivious boy in the first place! Now suffer!

Yaya throw it away from her forcefully she was crying again. "I know! Waaaah!"

Wiping away her tears and her snot, she decided to stood up. Fixing herself, she looked at the glass which reflected her red eyes. She looked hideous from crying so much for how many days. 

She walked solemnly, her head hanging low and never paid any notice to her wavy and tangled hair. Before she could decide to open the metallic door of the station, she saw a lone crumpled letter sitting on the doorway. 

Sniffing and blinking her swollen eyes, she reached down to read it. Praying for it to be her motivation, she opened it slowly.

I just love you so much, Boboiboy.


Years have passed and the five best friends have achieved what they wanted. Gopal had already settled down with an alien princess from another dimension and was now clear on his face that he was very happy. And it seems that Ying and Boboiboy are next to tie the knot.

To Yaya, she was surprised, but ended up being frustrated. Why? She greatly assumed that Boboiboy had noticed her feelings to him, even if she won't say it. She greatly assumed that Boboiboy would just know because she showered him with obvious love with actions, and not through words. But dang. That great superhero was just an oblivious one! So stupid!

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