Scream "I Love Elsa"?

873 35 3

I dare Jack to carry Elsa bridal style around Arendelle and scream on top of his lungs, "I LOVE QUEEN ELSA OF ARENDELLE!"

Elsa: 0.0

Jack: Yes! *kisses Elsa, carries her bridal style, and goes around Arendelle* "I LOVE QUEEN ELSA OF ARENDELLE!"

Townspeople: Aww, the queen has found herself a man!

Elsa: * blushes*

<Back at the Castle>

Jack: That was fun! :D

Elsa: *blushes* Jaaaaack

Jack: Aw, is my little snowflake blushing.

Elsa: *blushes harder* Frosty.... *cute puppy face*

Jack: Ok, ok I'll stop, I can't resist that puppy face.

Elsa: So comment away snowflakes!

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