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  • Dedicata a For everyone who attended the wedding!!!! :D

              Hi guys, sorry if I posted this late.... it was Halloween and I didn't want their wedding to be at that time, so I'm going to timeskip this to December. Hope you like the wedding!


<While with Elsa....>

Melody, Athena, and Wow_meow was helping Elsa with her wedding dress and makeup until the author came.

Author (me): HI!!!!!

Everyone except for me: AH!!!!!!! *drops makeup*

Me: *looks down at makeup just to see it make a mess* Oops... sorry guys, Elsa's getting married to Jack! 

Elsa: How do you know?

Me: I'm the author of this book.

Melody and Athena: Hi Christine!

Wow_meow: Hey!

Elsa: Oh, so you write everything down?

Me: Pretty much... now let's get you ready! *waves a hand down at the makeup mess and it cleans up* Here you go girls!

Elsa: Thanks! 

Melody: I'm going to put on my flower girl dress...

Athena: Speaking of dresses, I'm putting on my bridesmaid dress too... *Melody and Athena both leave and Wow_meow and I start helping Elsa*

Anna: Hi Elsa! Who are they?

Elsa: This is the author Christine and that's Wow_meow. *Melody and Athena comes back with their dresses on.* And these two are Melody and Athena.

Anna: Hi guys! 

Elsa: Anna, is Jack outside yet?

Anna: No, he's not done yet. But Kristoff and I made something for you to wear during the wedding. *hands a small box* Open it! I can't wait to see how it looks on you!

Elsa: *takes the box and opens it, revealing an ice necklace* Oh Anna, it's beautiful! 

Anna: I know! It's actually a locket.

Elsa: Really? Hmm... *opens the ice gem to find a small picture of her and Jack together, after 5 minutes she closes it* Anna, thank you! This is the best gift I have ever got!

Anna: Thank you Els! 

Me: Elsa! Your makeup is done! Ready to show Jack what you got?

Elsa: I was born ready! 

Anna: Hey! That's my line!

Everyone: *laughs goes to the church* (where Elsa was crowned queen)

<With the boys....... (this is backed up to the beginning of this chappie but the boys arrive earlier by a few minutes)>

Eugene: Do I have to be the ring bearer?*looks at ring bearer suit*

Jack: Yes. *smoothes suit out* Ok, so Eugene, since you got married to Punzie, what do I do? I'm so nervous!

Eugene: Chill man! Just be your normal self. It's almost time to go, but before you go, Anna and Kristoff wanted me to give you this. *gives a small box to Jack*

Jack: I wonder what it is... *opens box to reveal a ring made of ice* Wow... did Kristoff make this?

Eugene: Yep.

Jack: *pulls out cell phone and texts Kristoff*

J = Jack and K = Kristoff

J = Thanks for the present man.

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