Jonathan Groff

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Y/N's P.O.V

I walked in and placed the CD in the computer. Groff looked at me confused. "Lin let me borrow it," I explain quickly. 

Lin never trusted me with anything ever since I lost Groffsauce in the mall. Anyway, Groff laid his head back down on the pillow before closing it on his head. God, he was too cute sometimes. I pulled out my phone and got the camera on before pressing play to make the CD and computer like each other. Once the music started to pour out of the computer, Groff's face lit up. 

"Is this the new song for satisfied?" He questioned me with too much cuteness power. I nodded slightly just so the camera could stay steady.

His face was only pure child joy after that. "Oh, my God," he exclaimed as the song got to the reverse part. 

"Oh, my God!" I couldn't hide the smile from taking over my face. Lin was going to be so happy at seeing little Jonathan's reaction. 

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