A safe place

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(I watched him as he walked away. Heading off to his girlfriend. He held her hand and kissed her on the lips.

That broke me!

I fell to the ground and felt my heart slowly giving up.

My chest tightened to where my breaths were hard and heavy.

A tear slowly made its way down my face.

What's wrong with me?

This always ALWAYS happens to me!

Am I not good enough?

I did everything right!

I was there for him when he needed me to be.

I supported him in every single stupid dream he had.

When he needed me to be strong I was.

When he needed me to be weak I was.

It's me huh?

I know it is.

It has to be me.)

That's me.

 Crying in pain.

Just weeping.

How Pathetic!

I guess I should start from the beginning for you so all of this can make sense.

I'll start at the age of 10 YEARS OLD.

Before I was 10 I didn't know what abuse was until they explained it to us in class. I thought everything I went through was normal.

Boy was I in for a surprise!

I remember when my Dad would come home drunk every night and take advantage of my sisters.

They're not his offspring so I guess he saw that as an "OK" to rape them.

Being the youngest of 3 you would think all eyes were on me. Well, I guess you can say that since I was everyone's target.

My Dad would make me his punching bag since he saw me as an abomination.

My sister blamed her abuse on me so she made me her target.

And my mother was crazy in love with my cheating farther so she would just follow in his footsteps and see nothing wrong with him.

He was God to her!

She loved him and adored this man.

Why you may ask?

I don't even know.

Anyway, allow me to start this tragic story.

I remember I was about to do my usual morning routine.

Wake up, freshen up, clean, cook and head straight in my corner.  I was washing the dishes as my father walked through the door from 8:30 pm last night to 11 pm that morning. He came out drunk and he came in drunk, the usual. But this time it was different he walked in with this unknown man. He was tall and seemed the same age as my father. 

He had a bottle of nearly empty vodka and a pack of cigarettes in his back pocket.

They were really fucked up.

They laughed, smiled and told jokes.

I assumed they were friends for a long time due to my father not being the friendliest man, he would never bring some he just met inside his house.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2019 ⏰

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