Breaking Free

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Ryna's Prov

Another day, another day off being chained another day off being tortured, another day off starvation. Yep just great. I could see the light form Marks gas lamp. The light growing bigger as he came closer. Down the windy stone stair's and into the dark stone medieval cell i was locked in. 

''Good to see your awake, i thought i went a little overboard on the experimentation yesterday.'' He smirked at me. I on the other hand was not scared off this man. Leaning ageist the cold stone wall i shrugged my shoulders.

This reaction irritated him a slight bit. Causing him to slap me across the face, which i barley felt. Being a hybrid means i have a crazy high pain tolerance. So it takes a lot to hurt me. But Mark always finds a way.

My wolf Athena growled ''Let me out, ill tear him limb from limb!''  ''Athena calm down, you know  were two weak to shift.'' ''You are, i'm not.''  I sighed, knowing she was wright. ''Are you ready for what today brings, Ryna?'' ''Huh, you know i'm always ready for what you bring to the table Mark, since the day you started putting me through torture, that's why you have never managed to break me.'' He seemed irritated at my comment.'' Causing a smirk to form on my face. ''What's wrong Mark, cat got your tongue'' And with that the experimental torture began.

Mark started off light, using a barb wire whip on my back. forming deep long bloody gashes. I however never even flinched. Moving onto burning my hand in Hydroelectric acid. Complacently burning my skin off till you could the bones in my hand. Still i gave no heat. Mark finally started ripping off my fingernails and cutting the tips off my fingers off. Still i gave no reaction. I new it will all heal and grow back. That's the best part about being a hybrid, you have limb regeneration. 

Mark gave up after that. The sweet beads trickling down his face. ''Finished so soon?'' I asked tilting my head to the side like a confused puppy. Mark growled dangerously at me but i was't scared. Once he realised that he was never going to break me, Mark stormed up the stone stair case. Leaving me in the dark.

Athena laughed. ''You really got into his head, did't you.''  ''Yep, i mean he has been doing this since i was two, and i'm eighteen know, surly he has realised that what he is doing is never going to work.'' ''You know how suborn he is, he will never give up.''   Athena is wright, Mark will never give up. Once again we hear the echo off footsteps cumming down the stairs. This time though they were fast. In rushed Mark with a shiny pistil pointing it pointing point black in between my two eyes. ''I've head enough off you girl, taunting me, it will be the end off you.'' Yep Mark finally lost it. 

Within that second Athena took control. transforming into out giant wolf. Ripping Mark to shreds while he laughed the entire time. Once Athena was happy with her work she burst a hole in the stone wall and took off. ''Athena, what the hell, where did you get the energy to transform, he have't eaten in day's?'' ''I can feed off your energy to stay strong allowing me to take wolf form without dying.''  '' Wow thanks for draining all my energy thanks Athena, and why did'y you do that before?''  ''Because stupid a wolf my size needs a hell off a lot off energy, and if i took it all in one go, i would end up killing you, and if you die i die.'' ''Makes seance, anyway thanks for saving us back there i owe you one.'' She smirked. ''Yes you do.'' 

(Image above is Ryna.)

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