Chapter 31 - Small Tremors

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Marissa was on the back of Robert's dirt bike with Lukas and Liam on their own ATV's right behind them. Marcus quickly caught up to everyone. Ryan's shop apparently had a trail that lead directly to the trails that we needed to use in order to reach the house that my dad was behind kept at, and the Theins cut through them like they were nothing even though I screamed multiple times as I felt I was about to be thrown from the bike. 

"Relax, baby girl, I got you," my heart, as well as my arms, squeezed at hearing the nick name. Just this morning I was sad because he knew he wasn't my boyfriend, and now I felt like that didn't matter at all. I sighed and pressed the side of my face against his back, closing my eyes and leaning with him. It was the only way to keep me from vomiting. The turns were really that winding. 

After what felt like ten years, I heard the motors slow down and eventually come to a stop. I looked over Marcus's shoulder to see what was going on. Robert had dismounted his bike, leaving Marissa to hold it up for him as he walked. There were two men standing at one of the trees, and even though their hands were in front of them, I could see the outline of a gun underneath their jackets. 

Marcus cut his engine, tensing under my grip as the words of the conversation filtered towards us.

"...ride with my family. I though that this trail was for the riders?" Robert did an amazing job at sounding like a dad that was angry at the outcome of his fun filled day with his kids. 

"I'm sorry, sir, but you are going to need to turn around," one of the said, causing ice to form in my stomach. I tucked my head behind Marcus who looked over his shoulder, sensing something was off. 

"Marcus, that's one of the men from the house. He would recognize me," I whispered to him. 

"We'll stick to the trails, but I am not turning around. Ryan said we could use all of the trails behind here. You don't own this property." I peaked my head over Marcus one more time to see one of the men slowly walking down the line of vehicles. He was just passed Lukas. 

"We have orders-"

"Orders? What is this?" While Robert was really mastering the annoyed dad, I couldn't help but notice that the voice he had responded to was different from the one from before. Which meant that the man walking towards me was the man that knew me. I was screwed. 

I drowned out the conversation ahead of me and instead focused on being small. Maybe he wouldn't walk past Marcus, and with my hands no longer around him, maybe he wouldn't be able to see me behind Marcus's big frame. 

"Can I help you?" Marcus's deep voice asked. I shriveled up against him. 

"Who do you have with you?" the man asked. 

"Hey! Get away from my family," Robert yelled. I peeked over Marcus's shoulder but it was the wrong move. The man was right there, and he narrowed his eyes as he took me in. I had a helmet on, but there was a clear plastic part on the front. He could see my entire face. 

He went to reach for his gun, but Lukas was on him before he could. Somewhere ahead of us, I could hear someone land a punch, and a hard one at that, but I was focused on the struggle right in front of me. Lukas and the man were now on the ground, Lukas on his back as they both struggled for the gun that was just ahead of them. Marcus jumped off his bike, leaving me to catch it as he pointed his gun at the pan and stepped on the gun on the ground. 

"You having fun down there?" he asked, almost amused. Lukas grunted as he pulled the guy on his knees.

"At least I had the sense to do something before he recognized Roseilin," he returned just as quickly. I threw my right foot out and pulled out the kickstand, getting over the bike and walking to where Lukas held the man on his knees. He met my eyes, a smirk coming across his face.

"You back for another shower?" he spat at me. My hand shot out before I thought twice about it, hitting him square on the cheek, throwing his head to the side and almost out of Lukas's grip before Lukas caught him again. I got down on one knee right in front of him, grabbing his chin as I made eye contact. 

"Do not think for one second what you saw was anything of yours. You're such a low life that you had to force a girl into what you wanted. You're nothing," I told him, spitting the last word at him as I watched his eyes harden against my words. I stood up and walked away. 

"What do we do with them?" Liam asked, and I walked over to see that Robert had knocked his guy out and was taking all his weapons away from them. He held a radio in his right hand as he stood. 

"I brought some rope with us. We tie them to the tree, take the radios, and when they check in at least we know when we are going to be made-" just as he finished his sentence the radio in the one that I knew from the other house went off. We stood for a moment before I walked over to where he still sat on the ground past Marcus who was looking at me with a strange look. Kneeling as he was he was now smiling through the blood.

I knelt one more time in front of him, reaching into his jacket and retrieving the radio. 

"If you wanted me you could have just asked-" this time the punch that interrupted him came from Marcus. I ignored it, acting like I didn't see the new addition of blood to his face. 

"Now, you are going to tell whoever is on the other end of this radio whatever you are supposed to that means that nothing is wrong and everything is going just the way that it is supposed to," I was surprised at my own assertiveness, but he was not. 

"And why would I do that, sweetheart?"

I glared at him for the nickname, but reached in my waist band, retrieving my gun and pushing it right up against his crotch. I felt him tighten and only pushed harder.

"Do it. Now," I said. I held the radio up to his mouth but didn't hit the button until I thought he would do it. 

"You're bluffing. You have been sheltered your entire life. You've never even shot a gun-" I raised the gun and shot a tree without even looking, thanking the lord that I hit anything as I returned it right to his crotch.

"If that was true it isn't anymore, and I can feel the hole you've shriveled up into so I promise you," I paused, "I won't miss." I saw the last of the color drain from his face as he clambered with what to say. I raised the radio one more time, waiting for the small nod before hitting the button. 

"Sorry for the delay," I could detect the small tremor in his voice, but no one who wasn't looking for it would. "Richards and I are at post with no problems. Out." I clicked the radio off and removed my gun from his crotch, replacing it again as I handed Marcus the radio. As I stood up, I looked around me to see everyone staring at me, even Marissa.

I knew they would ask questions, so I walked to the bike instead, taking my helmet from the handle bars and waiting.

 "Good luck to you, bro," Lukas said amused, getting back on his ATV as the others aside from Marcus and Robert who had grabbed the rope and were tying both men to the tree. They also tied their arms tight to their body before and their legs closed. 

I cleared my throat as I watched Marcus walking back to me with a strange look on his face. Before we replaced out helmets, he put his hand on my waist and lowered his mouth to my ear. 

"Remind me never to piss you off," I could hear the smirk in his voice, causing me to smile to the side as well before I put the helmet back on my head. 

N/A  Ugh that was just so satisfying. Roseilin got some payback while not degrading herself like they do. 

Love you guys :)

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