《41. Bug Boy》

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Um Mary Poppins was such a good movie 10/10 would watch again.

(December 31, 2018) So I dunno if I've mentioned it before here but I want to make a comic with Ivory Peytral and my other second gen OCs, and the villain was going to be Chrysalis, but she got more powerful by feeding on hate instead of love? And...

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(December 31, 2018) So I dunno if I've mentioned it before here but I want to make a comic with Ivory Peytral and my other second gen OCs, and the villain was going to be Chrysalis, but she got more powerful by feeding on hate instead of love? And she built up an entire new hive of "evolved" Changelings and this is the concept?
Base is by Durpy.


So that's all for now guys! See you later!

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