《52. Swore There Was A Third》

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Hey!!!! I know I'm probably gonna be made fun of but would anyone like to play a game with me on Roblox? I've been craving a good roleplay and I found a neat game with pretty dragons yeehaw.

Hey!!!! I know I'm probably gonna be made fun of but would anyone like to play a game with me on Roblox? I've been craving a good roleplay and I found a neat game with pretty dragons yeehaw

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(January 17, 2019) Doodle of a new boy named Coco Cabana.


(January 20, 2019) Little Aiden doodle on the back of the Ihop placemat that almost flew away when my mom opened the car door

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(January 20, 2019) Little Aiden doodle on the back of the Ihop placemat that almost flew away when my mom opened the car door. Correction, it did fly away, but I had her run after it.


So that's all for now guys! See you later!

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