sad *trigger warning*

14 1 0

She waits until there's silence
And no one is in sight,
Surrounded by darkness
Just a ray of light.
She locks herself in the bathroom,
Blade in her hand,
Unable to fight the tears,
She cuts her skin as deep as she can.
She is at war with her mind
She can't concentrate
On what good can come to her
If just a little longer she waits.
But she's been waiting so patiently for years now
Even after giving signs of needing help,
No one realises and things are still the same, if not, worse
So she keeps her sadness to herself.
No one knows about her darkness
They all think she is happy and bright
What they don't know is that
That same girl wants to end her life.
She cries silently, covering her mouth so no sound escapes
She's just so tired of life
That beautiful girl who once smiled so brightly
Now wonders whether its worth the fight
She has lost all hope
And feels alone on this judgemental Earth
No longer wanting to live
That girl has forgot her worth.


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