Travelers (netflix)

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*draws in deep breath*

I love this show soooooo much

I love this show soooooo much

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I can't even explain

Anyways, go check it out. Its underrated and deserves more attention.

So, it's about these these ppl that travelled from the future to the 21st century. And they do this by transferring their consciousness to the past.

And yeah don't want to spoil anything.

And in terms of diversity....

Tbh I only clicked on it cause there was a black girl on the cover.

There's also an Asian girl that becomes more relevant in season 2 and 3.

There's a few people of color here and there as side characters.

I don't think there's any main LGBTQ relationships but I'm not finished season 3 yet.

Yeah... I still recommend it though.

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