The Interpreter

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"Who would have thought that the interpreter from the arena would become a permanent part of our crew?"
"Um, you? You were the one that made the suggestion."
"Oh. Right."

Pete Wentz thought he knew everything that was going to go down while on tour. He had worked closely with the crew when it came to planning concerts, hotel stays, and even what they were going to be doing when they weren't getting ready for shows. But there was one thing he had not planned on, and her name was Winona Tarkett.

Winona, who had been mute for as long as she could remember, had the pleasant job of being an interpreter for Pinnacle Bank Arena in Lincoln, Nebraska, though she had grown up in Arizona. The woman was at every concert the arena held, interpreting what was going on up on the stage for those who could only feel the music. But things get a little interesting when she meets Pete, and through a game of charades and texts, he finally learns that she's mute. But that doesn't stop him from wanting to find out more about the mute woman named Winona.

But things get even more interesting when Pete meets Winona's four-year-old autistic daughter, Caroline.

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