Stupidly Different

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Copyright 2014.  All Rights Reserved.


        I lied face-down into my pillow.  The clock to my right read, "7:03".  I audibly sighed and felt the cold wooden planks beneath my feet when I got up.  My mother was yelling for me to get up and to get my butt downstairs.  I trudged to the bathroom and wanted to slap some sense into myself to get a full start into the day.  Today was supposed to be the marking the best day of my life, but in a dark, little corner in the back of my head, was screaming to not go today.  It was making me uneasy, so I tried to shut it out.  I washed up, and walked down to the kitchen to where my mom was.

        "There you are.  I was wondering what took you so long," she said.  She was making a kind of porridge for breakfast, and lucky me, I was going to be the first one to taste it.

        "Yeah.  I was just a little tired."  I flashed a convincing smile, but my mom's eyes searched mine, trying to find if I was lying or not.  Averting my eyes, I went to the dining area and sat down on the chair.  My mother came in two minutes after I did with a pot of whatever she was cooking earlier.

        "Here."  She gave me a bowl.  "Eat up."  I shoved as much of that edible slop into my mouth to try relieve that uneasy feeling in the back of my brain.

        My mother stared at me for a bit before asking, "Are you okay?"  I nearly choked on my mush in response, surprised that I was that easily read.  I'm going to have to work on that.

        "I'm great!  Just first day jitters, that's all."  Stuffing more slop into my mouth, I hoped she wouldn't ask any more questions, because I was not looking forward to answering her many questions.  She opened her mouth to answer another question, so I grabbed my plates and slammed them into the kitchen sink.  "Sorry, got to go!  Can't be late!"  I flung my backpack over my shouder and ran outside.  The morning air hit me like a ton of bricks, and the world was already bustling about.  Hello world.

* * *

        The air was still crisp when I walked down a couple of blocks.  The building was standing tall before me, as it has many years before.  Taking a deep breath, I trudged up the steps, counting each one as I came closer to the top.  The uneasy feeling in me was screaming for me to turn around and come back another day, and it was getting harder to silence it.  Another deep breath.  This school was not going to scare me.

::  ::

Hey!  Did this work okay?  ;o;  I'm sorry, it's my first story.  Anyway, HI!  I can't believe you're reading this!  I usually skip the author's note.  Haha, anyway, I just wanted to say, please offer critque, because I want to try make this story better!  Also, if you like this story, please vote!  If you don't like it, you don't have to vote, xD.  Thanks for reading!!!


PurpleVisions for the banner there!  :D  Sorry, it looks a little smushed since it was supposed to be a cover, but it looks awesome!!!

chidorii for the awesome cover!  I seriously love it!  Thank you!

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