Chapter 1 | Stupidly New

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        I took another deep breath before I pushed the metal doors open.  The hallways were almost deserted, considering I was here thirty minutes early.  I pulled out a crumpled up paper with a chicken scratch that was supposed to be the school on it.  Taking a left, I immediately got lost in the maze of the school.  Nobody here to help, so I figured if I just kept walking forward, I would find a building that was on the map, and find myself.  So, I just kept walking.  Then I took a right, then a left, then another left, then a right.

I finally came face to face with a huge door that said 'Admission's Office' in big bold letters.  I slowly opened the door, afraid that I might be disturbing something.  Inside was a middle-aged women who was typing something on a computer.  She must have heard the door creaking, because she put on a big fake smile and asked, "How may I help you?"

My voice was gone for a second, and returned in time for me to whisper, "I'm a new student."  She looked at me up and down, sizing me up.  A vague look of disgust or confusion flashed upon her face before a smiling one settled in.  I bet she thought her new student was going to be a tanned girl with perfectly curled hair and perfectly painted nails.  Too bad I was almost the opposite of that.  She gestured me to take the seat in front of her.

"So, Ms. Chang.  I'm assuming you're a Miss, right?"  She chuckled at her little joke.  "Why did you decide to join our glorious school in the middle of a school year?"

"My parents wanted me to try go to a public school."  My plan was short and honest answers.

She nodded her head.  "Oh, so you were home-schooled before?"

"No, I went to a private school."

"Well, I have all of your papers here."  She straightened it up a bit.  "So you're technically ready to start school here."

A part of me had relief flowing through me.  "Thank you, Mrs..."

She smiled.  "Just call me Mrs. Janice."

"Okay."  I smiled back at her.  The sooner I get to my class, the less attention I would get.

"Do you need a guide helping you around here?  This school is rather big."

Shaking my head no, I replied, "Oh, that's not necessary.  I can get to my classes just fine."

Mrs. Janice gave me a stern look.  "I have had too many students say that and the next thing you know, they end up missing!  You are getting yourself a guide.  Would you like an adult or a fellow student?  Oh, let's just go with a fellow student.  You'll be more comfortable."  I tried to interject to tell her that I would prefer to have an adult guide, if one at all, but she didn't stop talking.

Before I knew it, I had a girl my age, showing me around campus.  She had blond hair that was curled to perfection.  Her hair almost touched her waist, making me twist the ends of mine, that barely passed my shoulders.  She wore lip gloss and a bunch of other make up that I don't know, while I didn't bother putting any on.  Her bangs were as long as the rest of hair, so she could easily push it to the side, and it looks like it was naturally her hair, and she didn't have any bangs.  I had choppy bangs that were a bit above my eyebrows.

She caught me staring at her.  "Are you just going to stare at me the whole time?"

I immediately snapped out of my small daydream.  "Oh, sorry.  Continue."  She shrugged, and continued rambling on about whatever, while I studied her some more.

Her nails were painted pink, the same color as her make up.  The clothes she wore looked like that she belonged in a magazine.  In fact, she herself, looked like she belonged in a magazine.  Which, I wouldn't be surprised if she did that for a part time job.  When I finished analyzing her, we stopped in front of the cafeteria.

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