Chapter 2 | Stupidly Alone

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        I chewed the inside of my cheek as I watched the clock ticking ever so slowly.  Each second lasted at least a minute as I waited for the bell.  When the bell finally rang, I casually packed my books in my bag, trying to make it look like I wasn't anxious to get out of here as fast as I can.  Footsteps approached my table, and in my gut, I knew it was Clara.

"Hi there!"  Her bitter-sweet voice rang out.  "Can I talk to you?  In private?"

I turned my head towards her and wore a casual face.  "Sure."

She smiled and twirled her hair with her finger.  "I think we are going to be great friends!  So, want to hang out at lunch?"  She had a wide smile on her face, and I could tell something bad was going to happen.

"Okay," I reply.  She smiled and nodded her head before leaving to go to her next class.  After watching her leave, I got up, and hurried to my next class as well.  Each class took hours, and I don't know why.  What am I afraid of?  Is it being embarrassed?  Not really.  Is it scared of being bullied?  I don't think so.

Is is the fear of being different?  This last one hit me, and I realized that was what it was.  I was afraid of being shot to the side and ignored.  The bell for lunch rang proudly, and shocked me out of my thoughts.  Quickly packing my things, I walked to the lunch room, counting each of the steps along the way.

The lunch room was crowded, bustling with teens and their many problems.  Ears everywhere for gossip they can spread to their friends.  So much for privacy.  I saw Clara talking to two other girls, before she spotted me.  She waved her hand in the air, telling me to come over.  Slowly, I made my way over there and sat down.  Clara had a fake big smile on her face, and her friends, the same. 

"Skylar!" She started, "This is Alyssa and Vicky!  They are my friends."  I nodded my head and quickly analyzed them.  Alyssa had long, wavy brown hair that falls down her back.  Her make up was very subtle, but if you look, you would see it.  Vicky had blonde hair that fades at the bottom, and her make up was noticeable.  Both were wearing designer labels on each piece of their clothing.  I repressed the urge to scrunch my face. 

"Nice to meet you," they said at the same time, then turned to each other and giggled, "Jinx!"  All of them giggled, and I felt a bit out of place. 

Clara smiled and asked, "So Skylar, how do you like school so far?"

"It's okay."

"Just okay?"  Clara sipped her drink.  "Hmm...  I love your hair."

I touched my hair.  Medium-length, black with blue highlights in it.  It's against like every cliche female protagonist in every book.  "Thanks."

Clara stared at me for a bit while Alyssa and Vicky fired question after question to me.  "What's your favorite color?"  "Do you like dogs?" "Do you paint your nails?"  "Do you have any pets?"  "Do you have a boyfriend?"  "Did you do the highlights yourself?"  "Can pigs fly?"  My head almost couldn't keep up.  Almost.

"Sky blue, yes, sometimes, none, not right now, yes, and why are you asking me?"  I answered.  They looked at me like I was crazy.

"What?" asked Alyssa.

"I was answering your questions," I stated.  They looked at me again, before finally understanding my words.

"You remembered all of the questions?" Vicky gaped.  I nodded my head, and both of them replied, "Cool!"  Then there was a moment of silence, which was fine by me.  I didn't feel like answering any more questions.

Clara spoke again, "Why did you come in the middle of the school year?"

I examined her face.  It didn't look like she was just trying to make conversation, it looked like she actually wanted to know.  "My parents wanted me to attend a public school," I started.  "Because I'm apparently asocial."

Another moment of silence passed.  "So..." Alyssa said, "They just want you to be more socially active?"

"Yeah, I guess."

An evil look crossed Alyssa's and Vicky's face.  "Oh, we can help with that."

I gulped, and wiped my sweaty palms on my jeans.  "I'm already socially active.  It's fine."

Clara raised an eyebrow, "Socially active people talk more."

"I talk more with people I know."

"You know us," Vicky said with a smile.  It was the first genuine smile I've seen all day.

"Thanks," I smiled back.  "I-"  The bell interrupted me, and it was already time for class.  I barely touched my food, but I had a couple of snacks hidden in my bag, so I figured I'll be alright.

"We'll see you later!"  Clara said cheerfully.  They all walked away, and I couldn't shake this eerie feeling crawling up my spine.

Clara was planning something.

* * *

Yay!  You're reading!  Thank you so much for reading!  C:  Anyway, I'm trying to think of a song for this post.  Hmmm...  Any ideas?  Oh well.  Thank you so much for reading, and sticking with me!  :D

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2014 ⏰

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