Chapter 13 Try hard

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Riker POV

She hasn't called. She hasn't texted. She has not said a word... You may know who I am hinting she is. Its Vanessa Marano. I remember the way her lips were perfectly on mine and how for those few seconds I found someone. But lost them when her sister stormed in and blah blah blah! And something about kissing Ross. He never talked about it so I didn't want to bring it up.

I've tried calling her but I feel like I'm trying to hard again.

Laura and Rydel had a sleep over last night. Of course Ross and Rocky got to explain themselves but she didn't seem , how do I say... Herself.

Calum losing his memory and getting it back and all of the drama with the boys its been hard for her.

Laura's POV

Me and Delly had so much fun! But "them" kept bugging me, complimenting me and trying to hard! It was obvious they still liked me but I love Calum. He is just so sweet and he's always and I mean ALWAYS up for a cuddle anytime of the day. Luke was right! Hahaha! Is it weird I ship Cake?

Oh well...

Stormie: Laura are you gonna eat?

Laura: Oops sorry I was just lost in thought... And no I'm not hungry. But thanks!

Ross/Rocky: I'll eat it!

Laura: Uh...

She gave both of them her food and just relaxed and then the door bell rang.

I was about to go get it---

Ross/Rocky: I'll get it! No I got it! Stop pushing me!

They open the door shoving each other but just backed away slowly they turned to me and said

Ross/Rocky: "He's" here...

Calum: Hello!

Laura: Hey! I hug him

Calum: What no kiss?

Laura: Haha! I give him a quick kiss while Ross and Rocky groan and leave out the door until they see.



Vanessa: Oh, I thought I was supposed to pick up Laura...

Vanessa's POV

I thought I was supposed to pick up Laura but "He's" here... God I hate him. I was greeted by everyone then someone stormed through the stairs.

He was blonde. And someone who stole my heart and never gave it back...


His eyes filled with joy and excitement and he pulled me into a bear hug. Everyone was cheering but I don't know why? He smelled so nice and I just want to kiss him but then I remember..


My sudden thought was interrupted by Riker

Riker: I missed you!

Vanessa: Me too.. our eyes never moved from each others.

We were leaning in then...


Luke: Ness hurry up we got to go- Oh uh....

Vanessa: Luke! Its not what it looks like!

Riker: Yes it was, and what's it to you Hemmings?

Luke: It matters because I'm her boyfriend!

Riker: WHAT!?

Laura: What!?

Calum: What?

Rydel: Aweeee shit!

Ratliff: Language!

Rocky: Here comes the Titanic!

Ross: Huh?

Authors Note: Thanks for the idea! About Riker coming back! Totally helped! And thanks everyone for voting! ❤ -Gianna

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