Revenge Is Sweet and Tiring

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I woke up to complete black. Not even I can make out shapes black but complete and utter black. That was enough to freak me the fuck out. So what do I do? Scream. Not even a scared scream it was more of a hysteric 'holy shit I don't know where I am someone help me' scream. Suddenly there's lights in the room and I can see my mom and dad trying to calm me down. I instantly did and start crying. I cling to my dad and he tries to comfort me but I just cry harder. I hate hospitals with a passion. I just wanted to leave. "Get me out of here please," I screamed. My dad flinched. "I'm sorry you're stuck here sweety I really am." "Please just get me out." Yea desperate I know but I did not want to be there. It smells like death and I've had enough deaths for a lifetime. "I need some air," my mom said suddenly. I was confused. You'd think she would stay to comfort me but she left like she was really upset. I got up, took out the needles and the suction cup things and ran after her. Thank god I was still in my street clothes and not those god awful hospital gowns. "MOM! MOM WAIT!" She stopped an I caught up. "Where are you going? What's wrong?" I asked panicking. "I told you I needed some air, and-and...why do you always go to your dad first and not me? I mean I'm your mother!" she burst out suddenly. Taken aback I responded weakly, "Because-be- I don't know I just do. I guess it's because I wasn't close to my real dad and I feel guilty. But that doesn't mean that I don't need you because trust me I do. You two mean everything to me and if I lost you guys I don't know what I'd do." At the end I was crying. Yea pretty much just bawling. "Sweetie I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that. Just come here." She hugged me. And we just stood there, in that hallway, hugging while I was crying and she smoothed my hair. I eventually stopped but we still stood there. My dad came looking for us an hour later. He just stood back and watched us for a little bit before clearing his throat and talking to us. "We need to get her signed out and back to the bus." "Oh my god yes please!" I said. And we got me signed out and went to the bus. When we got back I immediately went to bed. I had to admit I was exhausted. My dreams were interrupted though by my loving Uncle CC. He is not on my good side right now. First he ripped opened the curtains on my bunk, then he yelled in my ear, then took my blanket, which I was still holding onto, and pulled it out of my bunk. Once I was on the ground, he leaned over me and smiled. I looked up at him and said one word,"Run." His smile vanished and he scrambled to the front of the bus, but he wasn't fast enough because I ran after him and jump tackled him. He yelped as he went down. I got close to his ear and said, " If you ever wake me up when it ain't necessary again I will hurt you emotionally and physically. Understood?" He nodded feverishly and I got up, picked up my blanket, and went back to bed. Everyone was laughing at CC and I think he was blushing. Oh well.

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