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People go on about how their loved one makes them feel whole when their with them, but that's not true. Your loved one will make you torn apart and stitched together loosely because you know you're not good enough. Because they tore a piece of your heart out and tried to fit that tear with their own, but the torn piece will always be too small. 

It can be like torture, it can be like a fantasy, but never will you feel whole. You will always feel like your emotions are leaking out of every pore in your body, and that stitch in your heart is coming loose. If they don't return you feelings, you would be like a leaking faucet. They would be the stone underneath it. It would never acknowledge or return anything you say, do or show. It's almost like a war of emotions, - love ,- it's almost like it wants you to break, but to be glued frigid at the same time. 

That is true love.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2019 ⏰

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