"Let Us In"

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While I'm deep in my slumber, my phone vibrates and beeps against my arm. "Huh..?" I whisper silently. I pick up the miniature device and look at the alert on my screen. "It's that terrible day of the year," The screen says in small text. "The purge, the day we all fear. Barricade your home, or go out on a killing spree?" Wow. Someone actually wrote that down? How serious.. WAIT! This is serious! I need to barricade! I just out of bed and find all windows in my home, closing them, locking them, and putting the blinds over. I rush to go to the entrance to my home, in the living room. I grab the sofa and push it in front of the door, as well as the television. I make a second check to make sure that every door was locked and barricaded, as well as the windows. I'm still not sure if this is safe, so I need to find a secure room to stay in. I grab the knives from the kitchen, some food if I get hungry, and some water. I rush to the bathroom and lock the door. I turn on the faucet of the bath and let it fill, so I have a large supply of water for the day. I let out a long sigh and sit down.

I begin drifting off to sleep, but once again I'm awoken by my phone. Notification after notification, who could be texting me!? I check and I'm getting countless messages by hundreds of unknown numbers, all saying "Let me in." My breath quickens and my heart races. Who is this from? Is this a joke? What is this? I hear pounding on my front door, startling me and making me stumble backwards. The texts are in all caps now.



One text catches my eye though. "PLEASE let us in! We got shot already and we need help before more people come out!" What if the person actually needs help? I don't want to risk it, but I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I didn't try helping. I cautiously unlock and open the bathroom door. I have a butcher knife in my hand, ready if it's a trick. I un-barricade the door, and listen. "Please let us in!" a small voice pleads. I open the door to quite a surprise..

A muscular and large man, around 40, and a young girl, maybe 13, both wearing white plastic masks with a smiley face painted on them, both also with blood drenched clothes. The man has a hatchet in his hand and the girl with a phone. The man gets ready to swing the hatchet at me, but i close and lock the door frantically before he could. I barricade on door with my couch and sit on it to add extra weight. The man strikes my door with the hatchet and it goes through. He screams at me to open it. "LET ME IN! LET US IN! WE WILL GET YOU EITHER WAY!" he screeches. "Argh, what are you doing!?" I hear him say, but not to me. "You are evil." Says a feminine voice, until I hear a scream and a final bang against my door. I look through the crack where the hatchet went through, and the man is dead with his own hatchet in the back of his head. The girl is walking away, looking down at something in her hands. I get one more text. "He was crazy, I really didn't want to go with him or kill innocent people. I'll be protecting the scared people from the bads. Bye... :)"

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