Chapter 2

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I ended up sleeping through my alarm. Damn i knew what was coming if he was awake and hungry. I walked downstairs to a still past out drunken father.

"Thank god" i whispered to myself.

I got everything ready i was going to make pasta with sauce, easy but satisfying. i got the pan of water on the stove and got a sauce pan. i started to open the jars of pre made sauce and started adding my own seasonings. Then that slob of a man came into the kitchen tripping over himself.

"Hey slut when is dinner going to be done?!?"

"Soon father the water is boiling now and the sauce is simmering" i said

"Whatever the fuck that means. just make sure its good tonight i don't feel like throwing away my dinner again." He left with a nasty look on his face that i would love to just smack off of him.

Man i hate that guy. He has no respect for anything i do for him. dinner was ready so i set the table, two plates, two glasses, two napkins. and two forks. i set them as far away as possible. i walk into the living room and tell it dinner is ready. he walks past me mumbling something i heard "useless" "no good" "should have left her when it came out"

The last one really got me because i knew exactly what "it" was. "It" was me..

After dinner i cleaned up and went to the laundry room to do the clothes. i picked up a pair of his pants and found a paper that had fallen out. It had my mothers phone number on it. i wonder what that was about but then i just came to the conclusion it was old. Then when the last load was done it was about 11pm. I went to my room and texted my best friend Hallie:

M: "Hey the drunk is out want to sleep over?" we never cared about timing

H: SURE! :) bee over soon! love you xoxo

M: okay. love you tooo! :)

My nights with Hallie always consisted of walking dead and food, i loved her like the sister i never had.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2014 ⏰

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