broken telephone

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Foxy....this weird...weird human
She was always so shy
But even through that shyness she was kind and loving
She was the light,for the dark times to come
If I had known...I...

"What you doing?" I felt her rest her head on my shoulder
"Writing" I reply
"What about?"
"The future"
The future of our past,and our end

We both where sitting at the lightly illuminated bus stop
Processing everything we said and did not to long ago
But I eventually started
"Why would you think ill do that?" I asked
She sighed slightly and brushed some strands of hair aside
" you have been...changing fast lately and..well they began to do bad things like that" she said,her tone sounding a mix of sad and angry
"It makes no sense..."
"I know...."
"..who told you robots did that?" I asked
".....our teachers...they said that machines hate us....and want to do horrible things to us"
I looked down
"...why...m-machines can't harm humans...its built into us" I said looked back up and at her face
"But...sigh...I'm new to all of this...maybe machines are but...I never will"
She smiled slightly
"For what?" I asked
"For not being like everyone else"
I smiled

we waited there for awhile,not sure for what though

the soft sound of rain tapping against the roof above us and everything else,her ears reacting alittle to it
She smiled a bit more
"...I like the rain...its....its calming"
I looked up at the dropping water and nodded slightly
It was dark out,but the street lamps illuminated the area,and the rain as it dropped onto the small roof above us
It is calming,I'm not really sure why...but I feel like I could listen to it for hours,and easily sleep
She closed her eyes and listened

I eventually looked back down at her,her ears twitching ever so slightly as the rain patted against the plastic roof above
Her eyes closed,lost in her imagination

But I eventually spoke
" I ask you a personal question?"
She looked at me a bit surprised but nodded
"Only if I can ask you one" she said
"Of your ears and tail real?s-sorry if that sounds stupid but I'm really curious" I said,looking at her as she sighed
"Ya..kind of....i was born really...weird,doctors said I wouldn't be able to do things like a normal human...but at the time some weird technologies had popped up" she said,her head lowered
"I wasn't sure what I was first it was small implants...things to help me me speak....but they kept having to add more and more....they told me I wouldn't be normal,even after all that..."
She sighed
"Anyways after alot of tests they made these for me..said it would help me function better than any implant could....maybe it does...b-but...."
" you hate them,your ears and tail I mean"
She shook her head slightly
"No...not really,I didn't like them at first but...everything was so loud....but later in my life I...I really began to like them,people thought I was weird...made me an outcast...and strangely I..I liked that"
"Being alone?"
She nodded
"...I guess I...accepted I was different and liked it....but life was never normal,what ever its like...i learnt later that my body grew attached to can never get rid of mom she......."
It went quiet again,but she coughed loudly
"Anyways,my turn"
"Ask away"
"Where are you from?I mean before you...evolved?"
I sighed and pressed my head back against the wall behind us
"I..I can't really remember much about my old life,but I think I once lived in a pizzeria?I cant remember" I told her
"Like one of those old animatronics,that' I guess....what was it like?"
I sighed
"I honestly don't know....I remember flash's of my old life but everything else is a haze..."
I tried to think about it,but all I got was a headache,and things where getting quite again so I spoke
"My turn again,if you want to continue"
She nodded
I looked away as I spoke
"This may sound weird to ask...coming from basically a stranger..." I said
"Well we know each others names,so we're not complete strangers"
I laughed slightly
"Ya..... anyways um I wanted to you have any family,its a weird question I know sound...well sad when you said "mother"..."
She looked at me,her eyes as if scanning my face,she spoke
" parents died a long time ago...I lived with my mother's friend for almost my whole life...closest thing to a family I guess...I lived with her for awhile until I moved out and now I'm..alone again I guess" she said
" it bad being alone?"
She nodded abit
"Sometimes can be lonely"

(Amazing transition to and end of a chapter,heh.....anyways Im going to sleep,because I am fucking tired)

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