First signs of labour

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Chapter 13

Rachel woke up with the worst pain in her stomach she thought it was just the baby moving around so she didn't think of it that much, she was now 38 weeks pregnant so 2 more weeks she be here,. There was no school for 3 weeks because it was Christmas break so Rachel was happy that Finn didn't have to go to school because she felt lonely when he did. Through out the day Rachel's pains in her stomach was getting intense but she didn't tell Finn neither bothered about it so she kept going like her normal day to day life. About 5pm the pains where picking up but still at 55 minutes apart so Rachel decided to go and have a bath to release some of the pain. Once she was out of the bath she heard a gush of water and she thought to herself "'this can't be it my waters haven't broken" after getting her self dried she walked into Finns room which Kurt, Blaine and Finn was all playing on Finns PlayStation when Finn looked up to see who was at the door and saw Rachel just standing there in complete shocked. He rushed over to Rachel and ask "what's wrong baby" and Rachel reply "i was getting out of the bath and my water broke" Finn started to panic without trying to freak Rachel out and out of the bloom and contraction hit Rachel and she screamed out in pain and Kurt rushed over to her to help her breath through the pain as soon as that pain came and gone Finn helped Rachel down the stairs and kirt and Blaine was behind them and Kurt was calling he dad and Carole and Rachel dad (Leroy)......

Thanks for reading chapter 13 the next chapter is where Rachel will give birth but I still need a name for her. Thanks for reading xxx

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