Semi Eita: Her Confession

56 3 2

A/N: Special thanks to Maolulula for the prompt. Sorry it took so long.

"Good morning Semi-san." You cheerfully teased him as you saw him nervously pace across the gym.

"Good morn-" Semi cut himself short. "Who's this?"

Wasn't today supposed to be a practise session between us two? Who in the world did she bring along? Why did she have to bring her along? He thought to himself

"Semi-san," you started. "I'd like you to meet my friend and setter, (Friend's name). (Friend's name), this is Semi Eita, a friend and practise buddy from Shiratorizawa whenever you're too busy chasing after boys who'll potentially hurt you, like the last time."

"So blunt (F/N)-san. But that's why I like you. Anyway, nice to meet you Semi-san." (Friend's name) reached out her hand to shake Semi's.

"Likewise," he shakily took her hand. "You don't mind if I borrowed (L/N)-san for a moment, do you?"

"Not at all; take your time." (Friend's name) replied.

Semi pulled you to the corner, "What's the meaning of this (L/N)? This was supposed to be a practise between you and me."

"Relax Semi-san. I called her to help us out. I thought you might want someone who fully understands the pressure you feel as a setter. I'm a setter. I can't say that I fully understand what you're feeling. So, I got someone who might." You calmly explained.

"Oh..." Semi said, clearly flustered. "You didn't have to though. Having you here is more than enough."


"Semi-san, if you want to be alone with me, you should have said so." You said cheekily.

"Like heck I would; you wish." Semi quickly said before running off after aggressively ruffling your hair.


"So Semi-san, if you don't mind, can you share your troubles with (Friend's name) so she can give you some advice on what she would do if she was in your shoes. After that, she could show you some tricks we do that you might be interested in using."

Semi seemed pleased. "Alright, show me what you got."

(Friend's name) started sharing what she does best, while you, on the other hand, helped her with demonstrations to explain clearly. You took note of Semi from time to time, happy that he was enjoying his time.

Every now and then, you'd catch Semi glancing at you. When he caught your gaze, he'd look away blushing.

I knew it. You thought. I know he likes me too. I just know.


At the end of the day, you thanked (Friend's name) as Semi packed his things. Again, you caught him staring. And again, he blushed and looked away.


Semi walked you home like he always did after every practise.

This is it. I got to confess. It's now or never.


"I need to tell you something." You both said in unison.

You both chuckled.

"Hmm? What is it?" Signalling Semi to go first. Oh shit. Is he going to confess? Calm down (Your Name), calm down.

"I need to tell you something."

"What is it?" Excitement filling you up




"I think I like your friend."


Shit. You thought to yourself. The entire time, he wasn't looking at me? He was looking at (Friend's name)?

"Oooh, so that's why you kept blushing?" You replied, trying your best to stop yourself from crying.

"What? You noticed? Do you think she noticed?" Semi questioned.

"Whether she noticed or not, she'll be lucky to have you."

"You think so?"

"I know so."

The rest of the walk home was quiet. After you said your goodbyes, you went to your room and cried yourself to sleep."

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jan 02, 2019 ⏰

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