Chapter 4 I dont know how to feel

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I understand some... but why. Maybe he forgot I didn't have that much health. I've been floating in this abyss for days now. Why is it taking so long? Death is only supposed to be a prick of pain before you respawn. This, this is taking too long. Am I actually dead? No. Impossible. This is on normal mode not hard. Then why haven't I responded yet? Is it because he isn't supposed to be here. I just want to wake up. I just want to see them again. I don't want to leave them. No. Not now... not ever.

What's happening? Why is everything turning white? I hear crying? Am I respawning? Jesus finally... "This isn't my bed..." I thought as I laid in cramped area. Wood was above me and I had my axe and only my axe with me. Welp time to break out of here. "I'm so sorry." A muffled voice cried above me. The wood was broken and dirt was next. I dug out the dirt only to be covered in gravel. "I just got out I can't die again!" I thought desperately breaking the gravel. I could feel water raining down from the top. I must be close. Punching the last bit of gravel away I pulled myself to the surface.

I panted slightly from the fresh air as I sat up. I was in a birch forest not too far from the house. Ahead of me Hero and Fury were walking way holding each other. A trail of sadness followed them. Smiling I ran after them tackling them to the mud littered ground. We landed with thud. I got off of them so they can sit up before hugging them. When we pulled away they looked at be in disbelief. "Guess whos back!" I whispered giggling. Hero looked away most likely guilty for killing me but I forgive him. Floating in an endless abyss really gives you time to think.

"Wolf?" Indi called out. "The one and only." I smiled. "We thought you died." a raspy voice only belonging to Hero explain. He sounded like he was on the break of tears. "Me too.. how long have I been away?" I asked. They both shrugged. Both of them were most likely too overcome with grief to do much of anything. "Let's go home you guys need sleep." I sighed getting up. Hero didn't move but Fury got up and trenched home.

"Hero..." I called out. "I'll go." He responded sluggishly. " You know I'm not mad right. In fact I forgive you." "What. Don't repeat but... Why?" I thought for a bit. Why am I forgiving him. He killed me but... it was an accident. I shrugged while helping him up. " I just do." I confessed. He stared at me his expression unreadable. He ruffled my already messy hair and smiled. "Mortals are weird." He told me before walking. "Yea" I responded quietly.

Back at the house Hero was sleeping and so was Indi leaving me to myself. Toni was by with his siblings. It was night time so I thought of very bright idea. Monster Hunting. Running upstairs I got my chest plate and boots (both iron) and ran downstairs with my axe. Whistling for the dogs I ran outside excited for hunting. My pack trailed out the door with me.

Bolting to the hunting area I grip my axe prepared for the swarm. The area was dark and I could hear the mobs groaning and rattling. I see spider amongst a group of skeletons. Rushing towards them my dogs start chasing the skeletons while I chop off the head of the spider. Turning towards a nearby zombie I do the same. An arrow came hella close to my head but missed just slightly. I growled at the skeleton and watched it get taken down by my fellow hunter, Toni. Giving him a pet on the head I wandered off to my next victim.

Said victim being and enderman. Not just one... no about twenty. I snarled at the sight remembering what they did to Hero. Toni was next to me and barked at them. Though they seemed to ignore us and instead talked among each other. I took this time to study them. Honestly I don't care what their doing I just what them dead. It looks like they are building. That must be why enderman take blocks. Though why are they taking end portal frames, and from where?

Growling once more I lunge at them throwing my axe at one while I clawed the other. Toni joined the fight accompanied with... wither skeletons? One of them even handed me my axe back! What! I stared in awe as the wither skeletons fought along side Toni. One by one the enderman dropped like flies. They started running off but the skeletons chased them. What is going on here?

I turned to Toni for explanation but he was unconscious, with scars all over him... just like when... Oh god. It makes sense. I would have never believed him if he told us this happened. "Toni..." I whimpered. Cradling the pink collared wolf I whistled for the pack to regather. They can running all healed with a couple of healing wounds. Agian I whistled but this time for them to go home. A few whimpered, recognizing the body in my hand but they left. Except for Luke. "Is he going to be okay?" The worried father asked. I nodded. "This isn't the first time don't worry." I told him reassuringly.

Together we walked back to the quiet house. Well supposed to be. The wolves surrounded me was I came in. They all whimpered worried questions as I made me way to the infirmary. On my way there I see the fireplace lit. Ignoring it for now I place Toni on the table and turned on the lights. Rushing to the kitchen I grab some apples and rabbit before rushing downstairs for gold. Back at the infirmary I make golden apples and but them on a plate with the rabbit. Now to patch him up. The scars were in the same place as last time, just above his bones.I did what I could, stitching up the larger wounds while just cleaning and bandaging the smaller ones. His tail was hard to fix but, with my amazing~ healing experience I was able to patch it up, mostly. I placed him in recovery along with the food and finally took a break.

Wondering off to the lit fireplace I crawled on the rug and watched the flames dance. I sighed at the blissful tranquility of the fire, completely oblivious to the sleeping person behind me. Scooting closer to the fire I admired its warm illumination. It's secret dance drawing me closer. The satisfying sound of it cracking its wooden bones. The warmth as I crest its bones in my hand as it dances around my arm, slowly traveling up. Slowly my health tics the blissful nothing drawing close.

That was drawing close until Mr. Steal Your Girl comes in pulling me away. I look down at my burn filled arms. "Mortal." Hero growled. I looked up innocently at him. He sighed and but out the fire. "You should head to bed." He told me, pulling me up to stand. I let out a low growl not wanting to sleep. "Come on mortal." Hero insisted picking me up. I huffed but didn't put up a fight. I'll have to ask about Toni tomorrow. He gently placed me on my bed and walked out closing the door as he left. I waited a bit before escaping.

I opened the door slighting, looking around for anyone. Once the coast was clear I walked out and slid down the railing. Tiptoeing to the door I reached for the handle. Agian I was pulled back. "Brine~" I whined as he threw me over his shoulders. He said nothing about my protest as he made his way to my room. Tossing me on the bed this time he stayed in the room. "Sleep." He ordered. I huffed and faced the wall. "Mortal." He warned. Agian I huffed but got under the bed with my covers. Hero sighed knowing I wasn't going to do exactly as told.

He walked over to the bed and laid on top. "Ack Brine~ staph!" I pled. He shifted around slightly before fake snoring to get me to shut up. I growled at this and scrambled from underneath the bed to tackle him. Tackling him didn't go to well, he didn't even move and inch! Honestly I tackled him so easily earlier! Hero ended up forcing me to lay down my hugging me. I tried wiggling out but his bloody grip is too strong. Sigh in defeat I got comfortable and dozed off. Did I hear an enderman?

This is the end of chapter 4 and oh boi do I have stuff for chapter 5! Here's a hint milk and mining. It's going to be fun. Anyway experience that's all for this chapter hope you enjoyed.

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