Chapter 10

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AN: Three more chapters after this one~ And Happy New Year everyone~

Warning: Alfyn cuts himself in this chapter in a desperate attempt to find the cure. It's a small scene, the cut not a form of cutting, and there is lead up to it, so you can skip it if you need to or simply want to.


Chapter 10:

It was well after midnight as Cyrus made his way out of his room at the quaint little inn they were staying in for the night, and into the common area where the fire was burning brightly within the heath. There he found a man hunched over the table, his arms folded atop of it and his chin resting upon his forearms. And before him was an open book. But the pages appeared to be empty.

"Alfyn," Cyrus called out in both greeting and to alert the other of his presence. "What are you still doing up? It's late."

Alfyn lifted his chin from his arms and sent him a smile in return. "And yet you're awake as well."

Cyrus stood by the table and rested his hand upon it. "I heard muttering."

"Eh?" Alfyn murmured before his smile turn apologetic, his gaze sheepish. "Shucks, was I that loud? Sorry about that Professor."

With the fireplace the only source of light in the room, Cyrus spent a moment to study Alfyn carefully. And couldn't help but note that he appeared, rather felt, a tad frustrated about something. "You haven't answered my question. Is something the matter?"

For a fraction of a moment, Alfyn looked surprised. But he soon turned sheepish again as he leaned back in his chair and reached up to scratch the back of his neck. Something that he did when he was unsure and slightly anxious.

"Eh, well, not really," Alfyn replied. "It's just that salve I made today."

Cyrus tilted his head to the side in question. "The one you created to help ease the suffering of those young lads that fell into that thorn bush?"


"What are you pondering about, Alfyn?" Cyrus asked, truly curious. "That worked amazingly well. And you crafted it so quickly."

Alfyn wrinkled his nose in mild annoyance. "That's just it Professor. I made it so quickly and wanted to help those kids so badly that I forgot to take notes!"

The admission caught Cyrus by surprise, but he felt genuine amusement soon after. And before he could stop himself, he laughed lightly.

Alfyn's wrinkled nose creased further and a pout actually appeared on his lips. "Hey now, don't go laughing at me. I'm trying to wreck this brain of mine for that recipe."

"Do pardon me, my friend," Cyrus managed to utter around a chuckle. He soon cleared his throat though and sent Alfyn a pacifying smile. "I wasn't laughing at you. I am somewhat amused, though. You acted on impulse to create a tonic for those boys?"

Alfyn nodded his head. "Right."

"Then don't trouble yourself with writing it down," Cyrus said as he reached out toward the book Alfyn was staring at and closed it. "Should you need to create another tonic, I have faith that you'll make it as quickly as this one."

"Well, I guess that's true," Alfyn murmured as he scratched at the back of his neck again. "I just wanted to figure out how I did it, I suppose."

Cyrus couldn't help but tutt him lightly. "Alfyn, you don't have to figure out how you did it, for you've always been doing it."

Alfyn looked down at the closed book before he chuckled. "Guess a man can't argue with that," he said as he pushed himself to his feet. "Thanks Professor."

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