Chapter 14- First day of college (part 2)

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I entered my college. I am completely soaked in sweat . I am hyper nervous right now . I think i might seem to other people like i have come directly after workout. I am so stupid- this should not happen on very first day . Damn me and my nervousness.

While i am walking towards my class i saw a girl walking towards me. She also seemed a bit out of sorts and automatically my feet drifted towards her.

"Hi" I greeted her. She smiled and said "Hi, I think you are also a fresher?"

"Yeah! I am new here. My name is Sheena." I extended my hand towards her.

"Mine is Shaima . Nice to meet you ." She said shaking her hands with me.

"Well? In what course you are?" I asked her .

"B.A(H) English and you?"

"Wow!Me also its good ."

"Yeah. Do you know what is our first class ? "

"Yes I got a copy of timetable from the office and it says that first class is of Fiction . But the class is after half an hour . Lets go and drink something ?" I asked her.

"Coffee?Will it be fine for you ?"

"yes it will be fine . lets go ."

While we were drinking coffee we talked about a lot of things. Shaima told me about who all are in her family and she also enquired about my family. I think we can seriously be true friends . Even if we met for the first time our comfort level is quite good. She pulled me out of my thoughts by reminding me time for our first class. 

"Its time"- She announced tapping on her watch.

"Oh? Yes we should get going . I dont want to be late for our first class ."

The Fiction class went quite well. Our fiction teacher Mr Rashid Khan , first took our attendance and then  after the introductions he started our first novel - " The Animal Farm" by George Orwell , its one of my favourite novel. It's an allegory for humans greed and avarice for money and power depicted by various animals as characters. I think literature has the power of depicting life in most artistic and unique way . And this quality of literature makes me love literature.

The day went quite smoothly , Shaima and me attended all the classes and we also talked to a boy in our class . His name is Rehan. Rehan is a sweet boy with fair complexion ,floppy  hair and strong built. He looked quite good and the best part of him is that he is such an easy going personality . I hope our friendship goes strong and we three make a good trio . After all the classes we all   decided to have some snacks and to hang out in the college campus .

"So, Sheena . Do you have a boyfriend ?" Rehan asked with a smirk on his face while we are sitting in a park .

"Why do you ask?" I questioned.

"Just curious"- he laughed.

"Well ... curiosity killed the cat "- I teased him and Shaima and Rehan laughed.

"You can tell me Sheena we are friends now " he poked me with his elbow.

"Hehehehe..... Yeah "- I said.

"Yeah?? That means you have a boyfriend " he seemed restless .

"No idiot by YEAH I meant we are friends"

"You two are too confused" Shaima snapped.

"So the situation of your heart is vacant ?" he enquired with a smug look.

"Why are you going this way?" - I asked intrigued.

"Maybe he wants to fill in the position "  Shaima teased and then laughed at the horror of our faces.

"HAHAHA..easy guys! just kidding ." -she said.

"Well?" Rehan again asked looking towards me.

"Oh for the love of God Rehan !!  Yes I am single . Happy now??" I told him in a dramatic voice .

"Yeah very....I should go now .Its late. See you tomorrow. Byeee" He waved and then he was off.

"What was that?"- Shaima asked.

"I don't know ! I think he is on drugs " I said.

" You are so funny Sheena " She laughed.

"Am I ?" -  I giggled.

"yeah you are. Ok lets go now its too late " - she said.

"Ok" and then we left for our homes. On my way to home I pondered upon my first day of college and realised that it went well . 

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