Bon Voyage

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Disclaimer: The Legend of Zelda and all of its characters and locations belong to Nintendo. All original characters and locations belong to me. Also, this story is aimed at a mature audience mainly due to graphic violence and strong language. 

Far away, in the skies above Hyrule, there was a castle nestled in the clouds. A dark palace where the abominations of the Gods dwelt in sinister, watchful contemplation. Deep in the bowels of the castle keep, in a secluded chamber, there paced a pale wisp of a man in flowing robes. He wasn't terribly tall and his hair was as milk white as his sun deprived skin. And yet, despite the appearance of an old tired man, his face was rather youthful. At first glance, one could never tell that the young man was a master mage. The room was dark and foreboding. There were only two sources of illumination in the room. There was a candle on the man's intricately carved desk. It had been burning for a long time. What used to be a tall wax tower had been reduced to a melted stump. Yet the nervous man had not thought to put the candle out. Clearly something was occupying his mind.

The other source of incandescence aside from the candle is a brazier of hot coals heating a cauldron. The nervous magician finally fed up with walking his fears around his room made his way to his desk chair. Along the way he tramples a few old books and crumpled papers that had spilled onto the floor from the pile of books that blanket his desk. He slumps roughly onto his chair, brought his hands to his temples and tried to rub his stress away. He let out a deep, troubled sigh. "What am I missing?" He turned his head toward his desk and stared at the mass of pulped wood and leather. "How can I be so close, yet so far."

He slouched back and stared into the dark. In a vain effort to stimulate his mind, he ran his fingers through his chalk white locks and tried to sort out a complex equation in his head. His pensive reverie was interrupted by an impatient voice coming from a clearly impatient man. "Have you finished the spell yet, Vaati?" The pale mage turned his attention to a tall intimidating figure that filled his door frame. He stood up immediately and bowed to the man. "Not yet your majesty." He quivered. "Still working out the kinks...".

Vaati looked up toward the dark king. He was tall and wide. A looming tower of muscle and magic stood before the diminutive sorcerer. The king walked over to Vaati. The faint luster of the candle seemed to grow stronger in his presence as it danced over his broad features. He had burning red hair that seemed to flare up from the curls on his head to the beard on his chin in the coruscating flame. His gaze was as sharp as a razor's edge. His arms could crush a man wearing full plate armor and he commanded a presence that made proud men into children. Vaati stared into the angry glare of a man who seemed more like a demon than any man. "I have given you several months to complete this spell." He growled. Then he raised his voice into a rumbling shout. "There is no excuse as to why it is not done!"

"What do you want me to do? Vaati objected. Trying to control his frustrations so that he didn't anger the giant king. He hated boot licking. Especially to someone as pompous and dramatic as the man before him. What kept him from disobedience was the fact that The King's power was reputed throughout the land of Hyrule. He was not someone to refuse. Or worse..., insult.

He composed himself and put on his best humility. Well...most convincing humility. "My lord, reworking ancient spells takes precious time. Especially this one in particular."

The King looked down at Vaati. "What do you have so far?" He said flatly. Vaati went over to his desk and took a blank sheet of paper. He leafed through a few books and papers jotting down numbers to create a series of equations. He then took another sheet of paper. Using said equations, he created an almost perfect magic theorem that was missing a crucial value he could not solve for. When he had finished writing the page long spell he handed both the theorem and the reference page over to The King. The King then asked for a pencil.

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