The Call •T.Rhodes•

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A/N: No more face claims😀 The reader will look like the person. ON TO THE IMAGINE 👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾
Yasmine slowly parked her car in his driveway. She pushed her car door open letting her stilettos touch the smoothly paved ground. Her heels clicked against the asphalt as she paced her way towards the front door. She clutched her tan trench coat to her barley clothed body. Tiny rain drops fell lightly from the darkened sky.

Prostitution was not a road Yasmine wanted to go down. She was in college to be a cosmetologist with a minor in business. She had student loans to pay back without the money to do so. A girl had to do what she had to do. Nobody knew about this little side hustle she'd picked except her roommate,who she trusted not to tell anyone.

She eventually found her way to the door of the small town house and raised her tiny hand to knock.

Meanwhile, inside the house sat Trevante on his leather couch. On the mahogany coffee table sat a fifth of Hennessy in a glass with the bottle next to it. Things for Trevante have been going south lately. He was trying to fix and figure out a complicated relationship with his very toxic girlfriend.

The whole relationship was down the drain but he didn't want to see it that way— still having affection for her. At this moment though he was slightly drunk and wanted someone to put effort into him for a change. He found out about a small prostitution business from a friend. He decided to try it out, because what's the worst that can happen?

Yasmine soft enough not to alert the quiet neighborhood, but for the person inside to hear. The door opened revealing Trevante in a black durag, basketball shorts,and no shirt. Yasmine's eyes traveled down his chiseled chest to his print that sat in his shorts.

"Are you..." ,She looked down at her phone, "Trevante?"

"Yeah. You must be from Gilly's," Trevante held the door open for Yasmine to step in the house.

Yasmine gave a small smile as she walked in. She admired the interior. It gave off a man cave vibe.

"Shall we get started?" Trevante said in a low voice.

"Oh, yes," Yasmine followed Trevante up the stair case.

Trevante pushed open a door to what looked like his bedroom. Yasmine untied her coat as she walked in. She tool it off and placed it over a computer chair.

Trevante eyed Yasmine's body and the way it fit in her burgundy lingerie. Her skin was caramel colored and blemish free. Her breasts sat up in the bra and her hips and ass filled out the g-string perfectly.

Yasmine removed the rubber bands from her yellow braces and placed them in the pocket of her coat.
She then turned around and clasped her hands.

"My job is to please you. The only real work you have to do is pay me and put effort into the sex."

"Okay," Trevante nodded, "how much am I paying?"

"$600. $100 for the blow job, $300 for the sex, and a $200 fee for your dick size. And you are a XL in magnum I believe."

Trevante went to his sock drawer pulled out a roll money. He slid the rubber band off and counted out six hundred dollars.

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