Chapter 2: A Fatal Night

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Hello again boys and girls! I'm sure y'all are ready to hear my side of the story, right? Good! Cause I don't care about your opinion! Imma tell the story anyway!

It all started after the shipwreck on the nice and adorable island that has the cat theatre, I of course went in before everyone else so I could get out of the rain, plus the rain was bad on its own anyway so...aside from that, i was greeted by some lovely cat folk, they even gave me a gift to show how kind they were. It was a hat! One that i still have to this very day! Even though the was a very nice gift, I didn't expect those cats to turn on me, they literally grabbed me by the shoulder moments later and started shoving me! They then proceeded into throwing me into a dark room with a large chair in the middle of the room staring at yet another wall, which was rather eerie too me.

Like, why would they have this big chair just waiting for me? Well i found out why after like a day or so, it was my cell to rot in, and even after they treated me so nicely too...darn.

Soon enough I was left in there for days, months...maybe even years I don't know. I was hoping I could've at least been let out of the cell a few times but none of the cats would even talk to me...except one cat...his name was Maximus, or Max for short, and he was really sweet! Max, unlike all the other cats, actually shared his lunch with me and occasionally played games with me when none of the other cats were assigned to watch my cell. He was the sweetest thing that's ever happened to me in this But just like all good things, the fun came to an end when they called me out of my cell into a room I didn't even know existed at the time, I mean, I overheard them talking about some kind of 'experiment' almost every day through the this what they meant? Am I their test dummy or something? Cause I'm no dummy! I'm me...little o'l me...

I was shoved into a room that was filled to the brim with cool lab gadgets and domahickies, I was so tempted to touch em all but of course they had my hands handcuffed behind me so I couldn't budge...but at least I could see! Sooner or later one of the cats came over to me and grabbed my arm, only to throw me into the weird chair in the middle of the room, then chain me up as well as put my hands and legs into built in cuffs on the chair itself, I didn't like it one bit! I couldn't even move my head to see everything...I was literally terrified while that was all happening...! Heck I don't even remember if the hat was still on that day...

I think I was in that room for a few hours at the least..they were testing my blood and everything while I was stationed in that chair...most for purposes I wish I knew beforehand...

Then before I knew it, they stood in front of me with a weirdly colored syringe in one paw..and a blow dart in the other...the cat got closer to me and lifted one of my sleeves to show my bare arm. The syringe was shot into my arm, which felt like it had gone straight to my brain or even my bloodstream...or maybe even both...

Moments later I black out...I remember nothing except waking up to a pile of dead cats in front of me, the taste of blood, and being butt naked in front of a whole squad of cat guards with even more darts...I even heard something that seemingly came from the deepest darkest part of my didn't even sound was more..monstrous and a beast from a scary horror movie or from the bathroom after having too much Mexican food...but I know it wasn't that second option since I specifically remember not eating anything that day..

All that I know is that I was never the same after that day...nobody sees me as the same happy go lucky fellow they saw the day of the shipwreck...all they see is a beast...

A beast I wish I never was...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2019 ⏰

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