dad!joon mom!reader kid!maknaeline

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title: christmas decorating
jimin: 7
taehyung: 6
jungkook: 4
(half of this is with joon at work but don't worry;) also, we'll say that jimin and taehyung are a year apart because y/n's poor vagina cant handle a 2 month difference)
"try not to stay too late, joonie, try to come back before 7 pm please," you say kissing namjoon afterward "eW MOM," you hear your oldest son say
"jimin, one day you'll have a wife and you'll kiss her just as much as me and daddy kiss," you explain "NO I WONT," jimin yells and runs into his and taehyung's room. "mm, i'm sure he won't." you say in a sarcastic voice
"okay, i'm gonna go now, love." joon says before kissing your cheek
"i mean it about not staying late though," you shout after him. you walk to jungkook's room and opened it quietly "jungkook," you say "guess what time of the year it is?" you continue, jungkook pops up from his bed where he was playing with jimin's DS. "christmas decorating?" jungkook says loudly, "Yes!" you say as you jog to his bed and pick him up, resting him on your hip and walk out of his room and to the hallway where the attic was. you put jungkook down and pulled the stairs to the attic down, grabbing the boxes of christmas decorations and the plastic tree namjoon had bought for the christmas 2 years before you had jimin. you set up the tree with jungkook and set out the ornament box and opened it so the kids can decorate it. after that you put the decorations for the rest of the house on the dinner table and started setting them out. "jimin, taehyung! come decorate with us!" you shout to get the kids attention. jimin and taehyung come rushing out of their room and into the living room. "if you need my help putting the ornaments up higher just tell me" you say in a cheery tone. you watched them look all through the box and hook them onto the tree. when looking through the box of decorations you found a few polaroids that you and namjoon had taken a while ago, one of namjoon holding baby jimin when he was 2 months old, one of taehyung in a christmas hat when he was 1 year old, one of jimin holding jungkook, and one of just you and joon in christmas hats with you kissing your husbands cheek and him with his face scrunched up. you smile and put them on the counter so you can put them in your photo album later. you placed the box on one of your dining table chairs and placed your white table cloth with snowflakes on it onto the table.
you look at your phone and realize you had spent over an hour decorating, the time now being 3:30, you walk into the living room and look at what your kids had decorated the tree with, most of the decorations are at the middle of the tree but you still love it. jungkook, taehyung and jimin are all sitting on the couch, watching tv. when you walk back into the kitchen to make dinner, choosing to make chicken alfredo pasta, you got the ingredients out and started to boil the noodles while cutting the leftover chicken you had from dinner two days ago. when you were mixing all the ingredients together you heard the door open and your three kids shout "daddy" at the top of their lungs. soon after you felt two hands at your sides and a kiss on your shoulder "hey beautiful, that smells great" you hear your husband say. "and i like the way you decorated, you should tell me next time though, i would love to help you" namjoon continues, his hands drifting from your sides, you hear him walk out of the kitchen, presumably to get changed into comfier clothes. you set the table and make everyone's plates.
"dinner!" you yell

(sorry i kinda let my italian side shift its way in there)

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