dad!jimin mom!reader kid!joon hybrid!hoseok

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really this is just a mention of hoseok. my brain sharted while trying to write more:(
namjoon: 6
hoseok: 10
(this is an au, this is not their real age gaps)
title: before adopting a puppy

"mom?" you hear a small voice say. "what's up, joon?" you say back, "why don't i have a brother?" namjoon says and tilts his head, you feel your heart melt and you try to explain how you and jimin haven't had time it.

"me and daddy haven't had time to call the stork, baby. you know what, how about me and daddy talk about about getting a puppy" you say and when you finish you see joon jump around excitedly


"a puppy? really babe? we barely have time to take care of our yard, how will we have time for a puppy?" your fiancé says, trying to convince you out of it. "jimin, please. i want one, your son wants one, i know that secretly you want one. please" you say with puppy eyes jimin rubs his temples as if he's thinking very hard, "fine," he says after a deep sigh

you hug your fiancé and kiss all over his face, his cheeks and ears are red and he's chuckling when you stop, "i love you so much, honey" jimin says and holds you close with his head buried in your neck

"ok. back on track, you want to look on craigslist for anything possibly free?" you say while giggling, "sure, but i get to help chose" jimin says while taking his phone out of his back pocket

while scrolling through all normal looking puppies at ridiculous prices, you see a young looking boy with dog ears and tail, the posting says '10 year old hybrid golden retriever puppy, free to who ever will take him.'

"minnie.. we need to get him. please, he's probably not happy with the people he's with. please???" you beg, "babe, hybrids are a lot of work.." jimin says, you give him puppy eyes once again, "ok, we'll get him," jimin sighs "okay, let's go get joon from school, and on the way can you call the people listing him, tell them we're taking him" you say, determined to get the young boy a good home

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