Chapter 8

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Cherie POV

All my life, I've been running. But this time, I've been tearing through a barren terrain, with its inner walls perpetually stretching. My feet were almost floating as I ran without feeling fatigue. I was supposed to feel free, but it turned out to be quite the opposite.

It was a monotonous experience, to say the least. I feel like I've been running for ages. It was only when my heart stopped the moment my foot touched no surface; only thin air. My other foot followed, and soon I will be falling....

My body twitched on its own as I bolted up from my position, tittering on the verge of hyperventilation. My fingers remained clawing at the bed sheets as if my very life depended on it. I pressed a hand to my chest to dull the my continuously ringing heartbeats. I slowed my panting, suddenly feeling tired to the bone. 

I steadily released the tension of my hands, only to have my fingers graze across a smooth, warm surface.

My eyes lazily followed my digits and to the intruded party; the source of the warmth, only to find out that it was Daniel's arm I had touched.

Wavy strands of hair were shyly sticking out of his pale arm. I caressed my weary gaze along his shapely appendage, and then to his hand that sported a Rolex wristwatch. The timepiece shone under the luminescent light, giving off a persistent shine. His fingers had those tiny hairs too. They were long and...

I broke out of my trance, dragging out a long sigh. Talking to Daniel was exhausting. It takes more out of me than when I'm on a hit. I'm always on edge when I'm speaking to him. I can't blame myself for it, because I always feel like he can see right through me.

I quietly moved to get off of his bed, careful not to wake him up. I can't believe I ended up sleeping in his bed. I was supposed to...

Ah! Girlie. I was supposed to meet her at the docks.

I scrambled out of bed, not anymore caring whether or not I disturb Daniel's sleep, and sped through the hallway to check the time. 10:00 PM. The wall clock ticked loudly amidst the silent hallway. I still have one more hour before meeting Girlie. 

My feet were taking me to the bathroom located at the end of hallway. I then began brushing my teeth and washing my face, all the while my stomach growled. When I finished, I went to my room and fetched a fresh shirt and a pair of dark jeans. I put on a gray hoodie to top it all off. I slid my feet into another pair of shoes and exited my room, and into Daniel's. He was still asleep when I checked on him.

Ouch. His sleeping position looked sore as hell to sleep in. He had been sitting with his back leaned against the stiff headboard. But if I move him, I might wake him up. I just opted to turn off the lights instead.

On my way downstairs, I peered toward Nat and Catherine's doors, and the sense of guilt returned. I shook off the feeling and silently turned to leave the house.

Outside, the moon illuminated the chalky pavements, bathing it in its natural glow. The spherical rock seemed awfully close to earth today. I walked briskly down the path without looking back.

Minutes later...

I arrived at a 24-hour fast food chain a couple of blocks away. I hurried inside Burger Shack, my hunger growing rapidly.

There were a total of two customers eating at separate tables. The cashier acknowledged me then proceeded to sleepily drone off their bestsellers. The lively sound of sizzling and the tempting scent of meat burgers urged my stomach to growl again. I decided to order a regular cheeseburger meal.

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