Final Chapter: The Wedding

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Meggy breathed in and out.

Meggy (thoughts): This is your big moment, Meggy. Don't screw it all up. Mario will be happier than ever before, and so will you.

Meggy opened the doors of the castle, and everyone's attention was on her walking outside with her parents right beside her. While they walked, Off the Hook started performing their version of the Bridal Chorus. The Blood Ravens started recording all of this. Meggy walked up to Mario, and they looked at each other smiling.

Mario (thoughts): She's so beautiful!

Meggy (thoughts): He's so handsome!

Eddie and Mabel sat in their reserved seats.

Eddie: Our little girl is getting married.

Mabel: I'm just so happy for her!

Eddie: Me too, Mabel.

Off the Hook finished the song, as Bob started his speech as the marriage officiant.

Bob: DeArLy BeLoVeD. wE aRe GaThErEd HeRe ToDaY tO cElEbRaTe ThE vErY sPeCiAl LoVe BeTwEeN mEgGy AnD mArIo, By JoInInG tHeM iN mArRiAgE.

Bob read all of what the marriage officiant or priest says at a wedding.

Bob: NoW, mArIo AnD mEgGy. HaVe YoU wRiTtEn YoUr OwN vOwS?

Mario: Yes I have.

Meggy: Me too.

Meggy started with her vows.

Meggy: Mario. You may be an idiot, and have an unhealthy obsession with spaghetti, but you're still a very nice person. You helped me out whenever I needed it, and your idiocy just makes me laugh. You're also very sweet and kind to me, and you aren't like that to most of your friends, but that still makes me smile. Just when we started to become a couple, I was more happy than I ever was before. And now that we're getting married, I will gladly join you in marriage until we die.

They applauded at her words, as Mario went onto his vows.

Mario: Meggy. When I first met you, and by that I meant back in 2017, I saw you as very cool and I wanted to join your team. We were both having a great time together, and since then, my heart won't stop beating every time I see you. We were together a lot over time, and we always helped each other out, but I didn't know when to show my feelings for you yet, until a few months ago. We were now a couple together, and when it was close to Christmas, I had to do something extra special, and here we are now. Meggy, I give you this ring as a sign that we are together, as husband and wife.

Mario put the ring on Meggy's finger, as everyone applauded at his words. Now the wedding was about to finish up.

Bob: MaRiO. dO yOu tAkE mEgGy To Be YoUr LaWfUlLy WeDdEd WiFe?

Mario: I do.

Bob: MeGgY. do yOu tAkE mArIo To Be YoUr LaWfUlLy WeDdEd HuSbAnD?

Meggy: Of course I do.

Bob started to shed some tears.

Bob: I nOw PrOnOuNcE yOu MaN aNd WiFe. NoW kIsS!

Mario and Meggy kissed each other, and everyone cheered for them, especially Eddie and Mabel.

Eddie: The day has finally come!

Mabel: Our little girl is married!

SMG4 and Bowser cried and clapped for them.

Luigi: Congratulations, bro!

Tari: You too, Meggy!

Fishy Boopkins gave them a thumbs up.

Saiko smiled at them.

Bob: NaIlEd It.

Everyone took a slice of the big wedding cake to eat, as Mario tied a rope with a few cans to one leg, and a sign saying "Just Married" on the other leg, and started to carry Meggy.

Mario: Let's start the married life, Meggy.

Meggy: Together.

Mario carried Meggy home, and they both got started on their own life as husband and wife.

The End

All 6 chapters of this story are done and released in just one day.

Mario and Meggy are finally married, and that will be the staple of their relationship from now on.

I hope you enjoyed this huge event, and the entire story in general.

The next story on our schedule is coming in a few days. It's the war between Meggy with her friends, and Dark Squid with her army.

The story will be called "Infinity Woomy". Hope that title will give you a chuckle.

Anyways, thank you all for reading this special story. I'll see you later.

SMG4 Mario X Meggy: Preparing for the WeddingWhere stories live. Discover now