Bork i dunno

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You walk inside and see Lusas phone.
You check the phone and see Eliza and Angie making fun of Lusa and Peggy saying ""sorry don't listen to them" in a group chat you turn off the phone to realize Lusas birthday tomorrow April 30th
——-THE ————- CALL—————-
Y/N "Hey John it's Lusa's Birthday  tomorrow
John"Yeah I know so you think we should still invite burr.."
Y/N"Lets let Lusa deicide that "
John "Sure but who else "
Y/N"Maybe Eliza and Peggy "
John "what about Angie.."
Y/N"......Called her metal mouth i don't know why"
John"mmm Ok I was thinking inviting a sophomore Alexander Hamilton Alex for short"
   Y/N "I heard he works day and night so I might be hard to tell him Take a break"
John"I guess but let's invite him anyway also Herc,and Laf "
Y/N"I don't know them just make sure they aren't dumb You don't want lusa to kill them"
Y/n and John "Bye"
————-END ——OF ——CALL————-
Johns POV

Right morning classes Bio class...were the fuçk is that?! I'll ask Laf "Hey Laf"
Laf "mon ami What do you need aide (help)with?"
John"Do you know were Bio is"
Laf "Tout droit à gauche à droite et tout droit""
Ok so straight...then I think right then left,straight again and then left again  (yes I'm using  real French self taught so I might make mistakes) after getting to bio
Well this is boring ugh...


I woke up to change into my Black hoodie with the letters "Not today satan", Pokémon leggings ,and boots with da fur (sorry I just had too) I let my hair down to cover my green eye,grab my French and law books. I leave the dorm and go to French class My favorite class I go inside and sit next to my brother
*sigh* remembering I have law class and I'd have to see Hamilton  and Thomas get into their bitçhy fights again I open the class door and sit down in my desk which is of course
in-between Alex and Thomas seeing each other giving death glares with burr next to my brother I sigh at the bullshįt I have to go through sitting here. I take out my law book as Mr.Washington talks about homework then debating I laugh in my head thinking I'm better at debating then my own brother that's why we get tea and not Mac & cheese. I read each law memorizing it just in case. Then  I  snapped back in reality when I hear Mr.Washington day "Alex and Thomas will be debating lusa and burr,James and George will be debating ~~~" GREAT I HAVE TO SAVE LIL BABY ALEX FROM GETTING HIS AŠS BEAT FROM oOoO " BIG BOY TOMCAT " OVER HERE AND BE PARTNERS WITH BURR I growled in my head  I guess I could just help John with his turtles since his dad wants him to do after school activities at this point I'll keep memorizing the laws to support our debate I guess

Hamilton POV

Great I'm partners with this asšhole I'll just do the debating my self he'll just screw it all up and he'll god forbid blackmail This "Lusa(Lu-sea-Anna)" and Aaron burr he's also flirty as FuÇk I bet he'll even FuÇk a damn milk carton the bastard shįt MR.WASHINGTON KNOWS I HATE HIM this whole protect is just dumb I'll just do it all today while Thomas barley got a word down HAH the lazy son of a gun ..I'm hungry ....(mood)

Burr POV
Mm...I don't see Shortie around I'll just sit with Thomas "Hey Thomas"
Thomas""Hey burr""
Thomas"'s things with Theodoisa"
erm.."We broke up"
Thomas ""Oh my Mac and cheese what happened?!'"
"Just broke up nothing much"
Thomas"*mumbles*Fine I think you should try Mac and cheese helps me with I'm sad ..mad..bored blah~~~~"
Madison came and slammed Tea on the table
Thomas jumped "WHAT THE FUÇK MAN"
Madison""HAH you got scared"
Thomas""DID NOT"
Madison "DID TOO"
Lusa walked by"You sound like children"
Madison ran after her
Madison"SIS"" and ruffled her hair
Lusa"" idiote ""
Madison "HOW DARE YOU no tea for you"
John"I have a turtle "
Madison came back to the table
I said"that was interesting "
We laughed


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