Lets just say Phillip Exists for sake and be Ham's brother

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You walk into the lunch room to see John and Lusa fight and hearing "LYING TURTLE SALAUD(Sal-Oo)!!!" Which Google translate says "BASTURD" Welp Im out *you walk out and thinking I'm going to the café*    You take a sip from Y/F/D (Fav drink) and realize you hear "HAMMCK STAND" and almost spit out your f/d and see a guy walk up and say ""It's Hamilton " then pays for it and walks out you almost choke ITS BLACK COFFEE black coffee is banned in your dorm because Lusa only allows tea and thinks black coffee is a sin (A-N BECAUSE IT FUĆKING IS) so you Quick walk out since you're not use to the smell and realize the man was the one John was talking about Alexander HAMILTON dang.. He is over worked if he drinks that (FUÇKING DRINKING SINS) *sigh* you walk back to your dorm and see Lusa

(Ay my cringe art

I hope you like it but if you don't IK it sucks)

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I hope you like it but if you don't IK it sucks)

I was drawing for the past hour after fighting John i sigh realizing I push anyone away so they don't hurt me first..

I bink Wait ...Did Phillip ever get accepted !?..
To the college ?!..

Texting "ChildPoet"

Petcrazy: Any chance you go to C/N (College name)
ChildPoet: Well I move to N/C(Name city) so maybe I guess
Petcrazy:GREAT!! I go there
ChildPoet:Cool! I'll be moving in 2 months I was planning to tell you in a month
Petcrazy:Hah I guess I know all
ChildPoet: See you in 2 Months!
ChildPoet: bye!


I sigh and keep drawing to hear the door open it was Y/N ,Y/N said ""Hey.." I keep drawing Y/N repeats :"Hey" I still draw.Y/N yells "HELLO?!" I look up at her/Him Y/N says"my dog,.. Your eye bags damn..." I replied with ""just was drawing for 2 hours.." Y/N says srsly" You're going to rest"
I said"""Just bring me tea and I'll be fine"
Y/n makes tea and gives it "you can draw for half an hour more but then your sleeping "" I sighed "fine""" and changed to my tomorrow outfit without the shoes a purple hoodie 2 times my size as you look on InstaBork , I keep drawing at this point you were asleep then I slowly pass out in my chair

Phillips POV

I tell my friends I'm going to N/C (name city) and they started acting harsher to me for the past month after I told them ..was it my fault?...no right guys Its not my fault?,...

I started getting depressed during the end of the first month ...they told me to kill myself,no one likes me ,.. that sort of stuff...you guys care right?...right? ..

Who am I even talking to..myself..I'm going insane...I wonder how my brother is ?.. He is probably busy with homework and stuff or maybe forgot about me ,...No Philip don't listen to your whore so called "friends"..Ugh I'm just gonna sleep..but you guys care..right?..

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