Be Alright

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A rough break up is how it starts. The two individuals are sitting side by side, one reaches for the others hand but they pull away. With a million thoughts races through both of their heads, similar yet different. A dumb mistake is what they were talking about.

"You used me and I trusted you," the smaller individual said, with a trembling voice. You see this person has been hurt before, not only in relationships but also by a parent as well.

These two individuals love each other, but it is over. While one has the overwhelming desire to call the other, but they don't.

The conversation ends, the smaller person is left sobbing into their hands and the larger one walks away with silent tears running down their face. The realization that they have to let each other go is hurting them both.

The smaller individual, later that night, is lying in bed, trying to forget how broken they feel. Their phone is in their hands, scrolling through past text messages and reminiscing through the happy times. Silent tears rolling down their face, reading the words that were said and the broken promises. 

Instead of cheating, the less sad individual used the other to their advantage. They used the other's feelings for their own sexual gain. Even though "I love you's" were exchanged, those words were meaningless. This individual had already deleted the other's phone number, deleted every trace from them from their life. It was almost like they were hiding the pain, but it was obvious. It seemed as though they were numb, lost all interest in the things that they had loved. 

Both were heartbroken but one didn't have the mental capacity to put up a mask of happiness, while the other couldn't even cry. 

Dean Lewis songsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora