Chapter 1

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I looked around the room and noticed that everyone was happy. There was a boy with orange hair trying to impress a brown headed giant girl that was King and Diane. A man with white hair and crimson eyes holding a wolf girl that had white hair that was Ban and Melody. There was also a short guy which was my brother Meliodas and his girlfriend Princess Elizabeth Liones the the third princess of Liones. And finally A woman with short black hair whose name is Merlin and a guy with orange hair and mustache which was Escanor. Me? I'm Valentina but I like to be called Val. I have blonde hair like my brother but my right eye is green and my left eye is dark blue. We are the seven deadly sins. Well there are 9 sins Now I will tell you my story from the very beginning.

I was just a little girl when I joined the Ten Commandments. I was scared of a few but my brothers were there to protect me. But then the Ten Commandments were sealed at it was just me and Meliodas. I should also explain what I am well I'm half demon and half goddess my green eye comes from my dad and my blue eye comes from my mom, my father told me that my mother wanted to end the war but she ended up getting killed so that's why he hid me away. I then sigh and look down. "Meliodas? Am I a monster?" I ask. "No you're not Val, I think you're going to change the world" he says with a smile. He would always cheer me up and make me happy I always looked up to him but one day everything changed when he met a girl named Liz. She actually became a big sister to me, she would always take me shopping on her days off or she would hang out with Meliodas while I stayed at home to read or play with the other kids. I actually looked young but I was actually older I just didn't want to scare anyone off. But then something terrible happened and Liz... the whole town was destroyed and I saw Meliodas holding a baby and he was standing in front of someone and he screams. "Don't touch my woman!" But after that we were now in the kingdom of Liones. Me and Meliodas watched Elizabeth grow up but I still stayed the same. The king then asked if he could speak with Me and Meliodas, we went inside the castle to see a few others and I could see a man with white-blueish hair giving me a mean look. "What is a little rat like you doing here?" He asks. I cross my arms and smile. "For your information I'm not little so you should watch your mouth" I say and everyone was now looking at me. Then the king starts speaking and he told us that we would be a group called "The Seven Deadly Sins". But then something tragic happened we were blamed for killing someone so then we were banned from the kingdom and forced to go our separate ways I think you can already guess who I stayed with.  And as the years went by I actually started aging which after ten years I was now sixteen. I'm actually a waitress at a bar that my brother opened and the food looks good but tastes terrible the only thing good is the Ale. It was actually my day off and I come down the stairs while putting my hair up into a ponytail then I hear someone talking about a guy in amour wondering around saying seven deadly sins and I thought that it was someone we knew, I hear the door open and what was standing there shocked me.

Author's note: so I wanted to redo this so it could be interesting... well I tried... I know the original part to this had like no back story or anything but I got rid of it completely but I hope this is much better I will do Chapter two later cause I'm gonna binge watch 7ds again.

The Raven sin of DestructionWhere stories live. Discover now